INAF queue observing, 2025 January 22 - January 23

Observer: Andrea Rossi, Ester Marini
Support: Alexander Backer
Telescope operator: Josh Williams
Instrument: MODS


These observations have been performed in C-19 mode by Ester Marini and Andrea Rossi.
At sunset sky is cloudy and the wind is from north above 15 m/s. SHARK will not observe tonight, we start with MODS and we switch to PEPSI at 9:29UT.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 1:30 - 13:30 UT = * 12h* * 00m*
Observing time: 11h 13min (93.5%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 47min (6.5%)*
Shark-VIS time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*

Data Summary
Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
Farina DDT Didymos MODS1-2 dualgrating 1h+1h 3x20min for side, before Primary
Farina DDT Didymos MODS1-2 dualgrating   during Primary
Farina DDT LandSA98 -978 MODS1-2 dualgrating   solar Analog
STD Feige34 MODS1-2 dual grating    
Vietri_carryover J0747 MODS1-2 blue grating 0.75hr fwhm ~ 1.2-1.8", we took an additional 15mins to compensate the variable seeing. Only MODS1 data are good (see yesterday's log for details)
Ighina J10+17 MODS1-2 red grating 1.3hr variable seeing up to 2.5". We need to retake at least a couple of spectra with good conditions
Ceccarelli_7 1248119149780940416 PEPSI PFU D300/CD3-CD6 0.18hr S/N 72 on the red, 55 on the blue
Ceccarelli_7 1577319631286280960 PEPSI PFU D300/CD3-CD6 1hr S/N 116 on the red, 72 on the blue
Ceccarelli_7 1578782394069199488 PEPSI PFU D300/CD3-CD6 0.83hr S/N 119 on the red, 83 on the blue
Ceccarelli_7 1442437832622477312 PEPSI PFU D300/CD3-CD6 0.07hr S/N 72 on the red, 63 on the blue
Ceccarelli_7 1450009756886080512 PEPSI PFU D300/CD3-CD6 0.07hr S/N 72 on the red, 61 on the blue
Ceccarelli_7 1251589891377119744 PEPSI PFU D300/CD3-CD6 0.07hr S/N 77 on the red, 67 on the blue
Ceccarelli_7 3726623482130353920 PEPSI PFU D300/CD3-CD6 0.07hr S/N 74 on the red, 63 on the blue
Ceccarelli_7 3727921215088631296 PEPSI PFU D300/CD3-CD6 0.18hr S/N 68 on the red, 59 on the blue
Ceccarelli_7 3936255033348033920 PEPSI PFU D300/CD3-CD6 0.18hr S/N 79 on the red, 66 on the blue
Ceccarelli_7 1177821324103027968 PEPSI PFU D300/CD3-CD6 0.11hr S/N 67 on the red, 60 on the blue
Ceccarelli_7 1181379481169586176 PEPSI PFU D300/CD3-CD6 0.18hr S/N 72 on the red, 60 on the blue
Ceccarelli_7 1189859739480364032 PEPSI PFU D300/CD3-CD6 0.18hr S/N 78 on the red, 63 on the blue
Ceccarelli_7 1204772862362420224 PEPSI PFU D300/CD3-CD6 0.11hr S/N 64 on the red, 58 on the blue
Ceccarelli_7 1292265847306487168 PEPSI PFU D300/CD3-CD6 0.28hr S/N 73 on the red, 52 on the blue
Ceccarelli_7 1213890562534245632 PEPSI PFU D300/CD3-CD6 0.07hr S/N 71 on the red, 62 on the blue
Ceccarelli_7 1229243593148358016 PEPSI PFU D300/CD3-CD6 0.03hr S/N 65 on the red, 60 on the blue
Further details in the log by LBT-Italia at this link:

log from A. Becker :
Topic revision: r12 - 03 Feb 2025, FeliceCusano
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