INAF queue observing, 2024 November 10 - November 11

Observer: Ester Marini, Felice Cusano,
Support: ALlexander Backer
Telescope operator: Steve Allanson
Instrument: PEPSI


These observations have been performed in C-19 mode by Andrea Rossi and Ester Marini.
At sunset some cirrus are passing bye, but we can open and start with PEPSI.

For the gregorian instruments, we can use only the left side due to delay in the installation of the DX adSec.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 1:20 - 12:49 UT = * 11h* * 29m*
Observing time: 7h 48min (67.9%)*
Weather time loss: 3h 2min (26.4%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 39min (5.7%)*
Shark-NIR time loss: 0 h 0min (%)*

Data Summary
Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
STD HR 7950 PEPSI PFU CD36    
Ceccarelli_7 1766285028234840576 PEPSI PFU CD36 0.36h/0.36h SNR 62/83 w cirrus
Ceccarelli_7 1772048878641647488 PEPSI PFU CD36 0.06h/0.06h SNR 68/83 w cirrus
Ceccarelli_7 1795085983706056960 PEPSI PFU CD36 0.06h/0.06h SNR 57/67 w cirrus
Ceccarelli_7 1799302645159093760 PEPSI PFU CD36 0.36h/0.36h SNR 61/90 w cirrus
Ceccarelli_7 1852168671754490880 PEPSI PFU CD36 0.14/0.14h SNR 80/100 w cirrus
Ceccarelli_7 1951295696616071040 PEPSI PFU CD36 0.27/0.36h SNR 60/80 w cirrus
Ceccarelli_7 1840819100416214912 PEPSI PFU CD36 0.05/0.06h SNR 70/80 w cirrus
Ceccarelli_7 1974094242023070848 PEPSI PFU CD36 0.45/0.9h SNR 50/80 w cirrus
Ceccarelli_7 1967044242179784704 PEPSI PFU CD36 0.27/0.36h SNR 65/90 w cirrus
Ceccarelli_7 2237215311638216576 PEPSI PFU CD36 0.14/0.14h SNR 70/80 w cirrus
Ceccarelli_7 1959254266711417216 PEPSI PFU CD36 0.9/0.9h SNR 50/70 w cirrus
Ceccarelli_7 403925323252033920 PEPSI PFU CD3-CD6 0.7/0.9hr S/N 74/103 w cirrus
Ceccarelli_7 218993686573781504 PEPSI PFU CD3-CD6 0.7/0.9hr S/N 61/93 w cirrus
Ceccarelli_7 286355163367453312 PEPSI PFU CD3-CD6 0.45/0.9hr S/N 61/88 w cirrus
Ripepi 845159992310748672 PEPSI PFU CD2-CD4 0.5hr/0.6hr stopped earlier due to clouds (we lost the star), S/N 53/42. Still have to do CD2-CD6
Ceccarelli_7 993573343139591936 PEPSI PFU CD3-CD6 0.45/0.9 hr S/N 56/67 w clouds
Ceccarelli_7 781931511003780096 PEPSI PFU CD3-CD6 0.02/0.05 hr S/N 61/72 w clouds
Ceccarelli_7 3971657344961894272 PEPSI PFU CD3-CD6 0.05/0.05 hr S/N 61/68 w clouds
Ceccarelli_7 779616592350301952 PEPSI PFU CD3-CD6 0.55/1.1 hr S/N 73/104 w clouds
Further details in the log by LBT-Italia at this link:

log from A. Becker :
Topic revision: r10 - 18 Nov 2024, FeliceCusano
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