INAF queue observing, 2024 October 28 - October 29
Observer: Felice Cusano, Andrea Rossi
Support: Jennifer Power
Telescope operator: Riccardo Ansaldi
Instrument: LBC
These observations have been performed in C-19 mode by Felice Cusano and Andrea Rossi.
At sunset sky is clear. We start with LBC.
For the gregorian instruments, we can use only the left side due to delay in the installation of the DX adSec.
Observed the DDT of Carbognani, then closed at 03:24 for high wind.
Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 1:30 - 12:39 UT = * 11h* * 09m*
Observing time: 1 h 20 min (12%)*
Weather time loss: 9h 29min (85%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 20min (3%)*
Shark-NIR time loss: 0 h 0min (%)*
Data Summary