INAF queue observing, 2024 October 27 - October 28

Observer: Andrea Rossi, Ester Marini
Support: Olga Kuhn
Telescope operator: Riccardo Ansaldi
Instrument: LBC, PEPSI


These observations have been performed in C-19 mode by Andrea Rossi and Ester Marini.
At sunset the sky is clear, just a few cirrus in the north. We start with LBC. We had a small issue with TMS and we started without it, but it has been recovered at 05:20 UT.

We can use only the left side due to delay in the installation of the DX adSec.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 1:30 - 12:39 UT = * 11h* * 09m*
Observing time: 10h 27min (93.3%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 42min (6.7%)*
Shark-NIR time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*

Data Summary
Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
Carbognari 2024 PT5 LBCb+r     both twice and normal tracking speed
Maiorano GRB241026A LBCb+r griz 0.6hr DIMM ~1”
Maiorano GRB241025A LBCb+r riz 1.3hr DIMM ~1.1-1.2”
Maiorano EP241026b LBCb+r gr 0.4hr DIMM ~1.1-1.2”
Telluric HIP9690 PEPSI   D300/all CDs S/N=73,117 on CD1,CD4
Bragaglia_2 Gaia DR3 3451194307546000000 PEPSI 0.2hr/0.1hr D300/CD1-CD4 S/N=56,102 on CD1,CD4. Took another exp since the S/N on the first one was < 100
Bragaglia_2 Gaia DR3 3451181323863324800 PEPSI 0.12hr/0.06hr D300/CD1-CD4 we took 2 exposures since the S/N of only 1 exp on the blue was too low (~40)
Bragaglia_2 Gaia DR3 3451175512767145088 PEPSI 0.2hr/0.1hr D300/CD1-CD4 S/N=81, 171 on CD1 and CD4, we doubled the exp time due to clouds
Bragaglia_2 Gaia DR3 3451182045417801216 PEPSI 0.16hr/0.08hr D300/CD1-CD4 we took 2 exp due to clouds, S/N on the blue was 40 on the first one
Bragaglia_2 Gaia DR3 3451181839259368832 PEPSI 0.2hr/0.1hr D300/CD1-CD4 S/N= 54, 183 on CD1,CD4, we doubled the exp time due to clouds
Bragaglia_2 Gaia DR3 3451180911546448768 PEPSI 0.14hr/0.07hr D300/CD1-CD4 S/N=44,136 on CD1,CD4, we doubled the exp time due to clouds
Bragaglia_2 Gaia DR3 3451181873619102208 PEPSI 0.16hr/0.08hr D300/CD1-CD4 S/N=44,133 on CD1,CD4, we doubled the exp time due to clouds
Bragaglia_2 Gaia DR3 3451180838527642496 PEPSI 0.16hr/0.08hr D300/CD1-CD4 S/N=41,147 on CD1,CD4, we doubled the exp time due to clouds
Bragaglia_2 Gaia DR3 3451204615466584832 PEPSI 0.2hr/0.2hr D300/CD1-CD4 S/N=66,126 on CD1,CD4, we doubled the exp time due to clouds
Ceccarelli_7 Gaia DR3 398897290936668288 PEPSI 0.56/0.56hr D300/CD3-CD6 S/N=67,91 on CD3,CD6
Ceccarelli_7 Gaia DR3 3160714468040914816 PEPSI 0.05/0.05hr D300/CD3-CD6 S/N=149,224 on CD3,CD6
Ceccarelli_7 Gaia DR3 1084559472229804928 PEPSI 0.025/0.05hr D300/CD3-CD6 S/N=71,110 on CD3,CD6, reduced exp time since the S/N was already fine
Ceccarelli_7 Gaia DR3 3457623740445063808 PEPSI 0.07/0.14hr D300/CD3-CD6 S/N=60,97 on CD3,CD6, reduced exp time since the S/N was already fine
Telluric HIP9690 PEPSI   D300/all CDs  
Ceccarelli_7 Gaia DR3 699560910215543808 PEPSI 0.07/0.14hr D300/CD3-CD6 S/N=60,82 on CD3,CD6, reduced exp time since the S/N was already fine
Ceccarelli_7 Gaia DR3 592033547804991872 PEPSI 0.07/0.14hr D300/CD3-CD6 S/N=68,103 in CD3, CD6, reduced exp time since the S/N was already fine
Bragaglia_2 Gaia DR3 3451204718546726784 PEPSI 0.1/0.1hr D300/CD1-CD4 S/N=57,116 on CD1,CD4
Bragaglia_2 Gaia DR3 3451206887508541184 PEPSI 0.1/0.1hr D300/CD1-CD4 S/N=45,85 in CD1 and CD4
Ceccarelli_7 Gaia DR3 834056058741414400 PEPSI 0.02/0.06hr D300/CD3-CD6 S/N=49,55 in CD3, CD6, stopped earlier due to fire alarm, but S/N acceptable
Bragaglia_2 Gaia DR3 3451201974065974400 PEPSI 0.08/0.1hr D300/CD1-CD4 S/N=44, 121 in CD1 and CD4
Bragaglia_2 Gaia DR3 3450980525550635264 PEPSI 0.06/0.06hr D300/CD1-CD4 S/N=43,139 in CD1 and CD4
Bragaglia_2 Gaia DR3 3451009727031458560 PEPSI   D300/CD1-CD4 stopped earlier for high background, need to re-observe this target
Further details in the log by LBT-Italia at this link:

and log from O. Kuhn at :

Summary of MODS calib files:

Summary of LBC science file:

Summary of LBC calib file:
Topic revision: r13 - 30 Oct 2024, FeliceCusano
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