INAF queue observing, 2024 September 26 - September 27

Observer: Andrea Rossi, Felice Cusano
Support: Alex Becker
Telescope operator: Steve Allanson
Instrument: LUCI2, LBC


These observations have been performed in C-19 mode by Felice Cusano and Andrea Rossi.
At sunset sky is clear. We start with LUCI2. Around midnight we switch to LBC
We can use only the right side due to the problem with ASM.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 2:14 - 12:14 UT = * 10h* * 00m*
Observing time: 9 h 20 min (%)*
Weather time loss: h min (%)*
Technical time loss: 0 h 40 min (7 %)*
Shark-NIR time loss: h min (%)*

Data Summary
Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
STD HIP82710 LUCI2 zJHK 200   for Signorini
Signorini 45 SDSSJ165043.28 LUCI2 zJ 200 slit 1" 1.17/2h 2more for bad seeing completed
Signorini 45 SDSSJ165043.28 LUCI2 HK 200 slit 1" 1/2h only 0.83h are ok
STD HIP113269 LUCI2 zJHK 200 slit 1.5"   for Izzo
Izzo 22 SN_selfcal22 LUCI2 zJHK 200 slit 1.5" 0.8h two spectra in HKspec not good for problem in cw
Vito 5 Slug_Nebula LBC-BINO U - z 0.2h Uz completed,
Vito 5 Slug_Nebula LBC-BINO B - z 0.67h Bz completed,
Vito 5 Slug_Nebula LBC-BINO g - z 0.4h some images out of spec,but gz completed
Vito carryover J030331 LBC-BINO r - i 0.5h/3h i completed, IQ <1"
Vito carryover J030331 LBC-BINO r - z 3/3h z completed IQ< 1"
Further details in the log by LBT-Italia at this link:

log from A. Becker:
Topic revision: r9 - 30 Sep 2024, FeliceCusano
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