INAF queue observing, 2024 September 25 - September 26

Observer: Andrea Rossi, Felice Cusano
Support: Jennifer Power
Telescope operator: Steve Allanson, Riccardo Ansaldi
Instrument: MODS2


These observations have been performed in C-19 mode by Felice Cusano and Andrea Rossi.
At sunset sky is clear. We start with MODS. We have been interrupted for dust particles around 5 UT. Then we open after 30 minutes.
We re-started with LBC but the seeing was too bad to perfom the high priority program. We can use only the right side due to the problem with ASM.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 2:14 - 12:14 UT = * 10h* * 00m*
Observing time: 8h 25min (84%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 50min (8.4%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 45min (7.6%)*
Shark-NIR time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*

Data Summary
Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
Mura 21 C2024E1 MODS2 dual grating 1.2"slit 0.5h interrupted due to high seeing
Mura 21 SA112 MODS2 dual grating 1.2"slit   solar analog for Mura
STD BD28 MODS2 dual-red-blue   ok red-grat: mods*29,32,34
Maiorano GRB240910A LBC-Bino r,z 0.4h seeing variable 1.5-2"
Rainer TOI-4145 PEPSI-R D200, CD1-4 0.55h S/N(CD4)=55, seeing variable 1.2-1.7",some extinction
Rainer TOI-4145 PEPSI-R D200, CD2-5 0.55h S/N(CD5)=70, seeing variable 1.2-1.7"
Rainer TOI-4145 PEPSI-R D200, CD3-6 0.55h S/N(CD6)=, seeing variable 1.2-1.7"
Ceccarelli7 1893717330679149568 PEPSI-R D300, CD3-6 0.07 h S/N(CD6)=142
Ceccarelli7 2801619266104427264 PEPSI-R D300, CD3-6 0.07 h S/N(CD6)=165
Ceccarelli7 369264554917499520 PEPSI-R D300, CD3-6 0.07 h S/N(CD6)=180
Ceccarelli7 2232943292350057600 PEPSI-R D300, CD3-6 0.18 h S/N(CD6)=145
Ceccarelli7 2819081606697884800 PEPSI-R D300, CD3-6 0.3 h S/N(CD6)= 108
Ceccarelli7 32231981505574656 PEPSI-R D300, CD3-6 0.07 h S/N(CD6)= 158
Ceccarelli7 142685410644470016 PEPSI-R D300, CD3-6 0.07 h S/N(CD6)= 107
Ceccarelli7 182236188221901440 PEPSI-R D300, CD3-6 0.07 h S/N(CD6)= 315
Ceccarelli7 195135486843712384 PEPSI-R D300, CD3-6 0.07 h S/N(CD6)= 190
Ceccarelli7 379433804820469248 PEPSI-R D300, CD3-6 0.47 h S/N(CD6)= 124
Bragaglia2 3451180602308806016 PEPSI-R D300, CD1-4 0.15 h S/N(CD4)=136, S/N(CD1)=51
Bragaglia2 3451180980265918208 PEPSI-R D300, CD1-4 0.15 h S/N(CD4)=141, S/N(CD1)= 52
Bragaglia2 3451181152064582272 PEPSI-R D300, CD1-4 0.3 h S/N(CD4)=182, S/N(CD1)= 53
Ceccarelli7 337478360953742592 PEPSI-R D300, CD3-6 0.18 h S/N(CD6)= 133
STD HR1544 PEPSI-R D200-300, CD123-456 h standard for all gratings, D200 and D300
Further details in the log by LBT-Italia at this link:

log from J. Power:

PEPSI log:
Topic revision: r12 - 30 Sep 2024, FeliceCusano
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