-- AndreaRossi - 06 Jun 2024

INAF queue observing, 2024 June 06 - June 07

Observer: Andrea Rossi, Simona Paiano
Support: Justin Rupert
Telescope operator: Steve Allanson
Instrument: PEPSI, MODS


These observations have been performed in C-19 mode by Andrea Rossi and Simona Paiano. At sunset sky is covered with thin cirrus, but we can open.
Variable clouds in most part of the night, at the end clear. We observed with PEPSI and the last two hours with MODS.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 3:30 - 11:10 UT = * 7h* * 40m*
Observing time: 07 h 24 min (%)*
Weather time loss: 00 h 00 min (%)*
Technical time loss: 00 h 16 min (%)*
Shark-VIS time loss: 00 h 00 min (%)*

Data Summary
Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
Bellazzini 1282644502087918848 PEPSI1+2 PFU CD3-6 1.34/0.67 hrs SNR 108-143 on CD3-6, doubled exp time for clouds
Bellazzini 1268732759418908160 PEPSI1+2 PFU CD3-6 0.61/0.61 hrs SNR 66 and 72 on CD3-6 with thin clouds
Bellazzini 1176300630802368768 PEPSI1+2 PFU CD3+6 0.83/0.83 hrs SNR 77 and 83 on CD3-6 with thin clouds
Bellazzini 4421385642564625408 PEPSI1+2 PFU CD3+6 0.61/0.61 hrs SNR 76 and 102 on CD3-6 with thin clouds
Bellazzini 1702028370412599808 PEPSI1+2 PFU CD3+6 0.61/0.61 hrs SNR 60 and 58 on CD3-6 with thin clouds
Bellazzini 6334970766103389824 PEPSI1+2 PFU CD3+6 0.91/0.61 hrs SNR 59 and 80 on CD3-6 with thin clouds
Bellazzini 1218137735435785088 PEPSI1+2 PFU CD3+6 1.0/0.67 hrs SNR 82 and 85 on CD3-6 with thin clouds
Bellazzini 4418971733505093120 PEPSI1+2 PFU CD3+6 1.25/0.83 hrs SNR 106 and 140 on CD3-6 with thin clouds
Bellazzini 4401331203309371520 PEPSI1+2 PFU CD3+6 0.91/0.61 hrs SNR 102 and 143 on CD3-6 with thin clouds
Cusano Gaia24bip PEPSI1+2 PFU CD3+5   SNR n/a and 65 on CD3-6 with thin clouds - issue with the CD3 spectrum (see log)
Cusano Gaia24bip PEPSI1+2 PFU CD3+4   SNR n/a and 52 on CD3-6 with thin clouds - issue with the CD3 spectrum (see log)
Marini IRAS 20097+2010 PEPSI1+2 PFU CD1+4 0.5/0.5 hrs SNR 52 and 254 on CD1-4 with thin clouds
Giannini Gaia23dhi MODS1+2 Dual Grating + Imaging 0.25+0.25 seeing = 0.6
Giannini Gaia24afw MODS1+2 Dual Grating + Imaging 0.25+0.25 seeing = 0.6
Further details in the log by LBT-Italia at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DDY-z-5yXYbAHSMHliVvOaLvlhu2AB6p/view?usp=sharing

and log from Justin Rupert: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13JHafRGA_pc67Sa9YOegSQet9-und7Dk/view?usp=sharing
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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