INAF queue observing, 2024 May 06 - May 07

Observer: Andrea Rossi, Felice Cusano
Support: Justin Rupert
Telescope operator: David Gonzales Huerta
Instrument: LBC, PEPSI


These observations have been performed in C-19 mode by Andrea Rossi and Felice Cusano.

At sunset the sky is clear and we open, though with strong winds and 5 degrees temperature difference between mirrors and outside.
We started with LBC, but for bad seeing we switched to PEPSi after one hour. We observed with PEPSI for roughly 3.5h, then switched back to LBC as conditions improved a lot.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 3:00 - 11:30 UT = * 8h* * 30m*
Observing time: 8h 0 min (94%)*
Weather time loss: h min (%)*
Technical time loss: h 30 min (6%)*
Shark-VIS time loss: 0h 0min (%)*

Data Summary
Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
CALIBRATION SKYFLATS LBCblue+red r,z   0+180 deg, to be checked
Giunta 2019LF6 LBCblue+red griz   done twice
Bellazzini 3682531008568011008 PEPSI CD36 0.83h S/N 93,111 completed
Bellazzini 3638674960069505408 PEPSI CD36 0.67h S/N 96,112 completed
Bellazzini 3723471358387670912 PEPSI CD36 0.5h S/N 85,112 completed
Bellazzini 3664595018981199744 PEPSI CD36 0.61h S/N 102, 106 completed
Bellazzini 3619793321763491200 PEPSI CD36 0.83h S/N 95, 111==completed==
Bellazzini 3652777326271275392 PEPSI CD36 0.67h S/N completed
Bellazzini 1177592007209173632 PEPSI CD36 0.61h S/N completed
Vito J142952 LBCblue+red ri 0.62h+0.62h ri_1 done, first obs stopped after 7 images for problems in blue
Giunta 2023KQ5 LBCblue+red griz 0.18h + 0.18h done up to twilight -12
skyflat   LBCblue+red g,r,U ; i, r, Y   pos angle 0
Further details in the log by LBT-Italia at this link:

and log from Justin Rupert:
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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