INAF queue observing, 2024 Apr 12 - Apr 13

Observer: Felice Cusano , Andrea Rossi
Support: Andrew Cardwell
Telescope operator : Riccardo Ansaldi
Instrument: MODS


These observations have been performed from the control room of LBT at the summit by Felice Cusano and Andrea Rossi. At the start of the night the sky is clear but windy with guts above the limits. At the sunset we stay close. We opened at 02:40 at start with PEPSI.
For a problem with collimation left side we lost 1.5h, we observed the transit just with right side. Problem with left side solved after the transit.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 2:45 - 11:45 UT = * 9h* * 00m*
Observing time: 6h 40min (74%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*
Technical time loss: 2h 20min (26%)*
Shark-VIS time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*

Data Summary
Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
Pino 55Cnc PEPSI-BINO D300 CD-1 CD-4 2.5h only right side
Bellazzini 3696646985522630144 PEPSI-BINO D300 CD-3 CD-6 0.61h CD-6 S/N~100
Bellazzini 3706617631840917632 PEPSI-BINO D300 CD-1 CD-6 0.61h CD-1 S/N~46; CD-6 S/N~121, wrong conf in blue, done 2x, see below
Bellazzini 3706617631840917632 PEPSI-BINO D300 CD-3 CD-5 0.61h CD-3 S/N~46; CD-5 S/N~
Bellazzini 3933152898729467008 PEPSI-BINO D300 CD-3 CD-6 0.83h CD-3 S/N~91; CD-6 S/N~124
Marini IRAS 17381-1616 PEPSI-BINO D300 CD-1 CD-4 2.08h CD-1 S/N~77; CD-4 S/N~232
Marini IRAS 17381-1616 PEPSI-BINO D300 CD-3 CD-6 0.69h CD-3 S/N~119; CD-6 S/N~138
Bellazzini 1492765194246447616 PEPSI-BINO D300 CD-3 CD-6 0.83h CD-3 S/N~91; CD-6 S/N~111
Bellazzini 1185488115604463616 PEPSI-BINO D300 CD-3 CD-6 0.61h CD-3 S/N~112; CD-6 S/N~104
Further details in the log by LBT-Italia at this link:

and log from Andrew Cardwell:

PEPSI log:
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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