-- EsterMarini - 11 Jan 2024

INAF queue observing, 2024 January 10 - January 11

Observer: Ester Marini, Simona Paiano
Support: Justin Rupert
Telescope operator : Steve Allanson
Instrument: MODS-PEPSI


These observations have been performed by Justin Rupert with the support of LBT-Italia-obs remotely.

At sunset the sky is clear, the wind speed is below the limit (20m/s) but high enough to prevent us from pointing to the wind direction (south-west), humidity is 60%. We open at 00:22 UT and we start with MODS.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 01:22 - 13:24 UT = * 12h* * 02m*
Observing time: 02 h 57 min (25%)*
Weather time loss: 09 h 07 min (75%)*
Technical time loss: 00 h 00 min (0%)*
Shark-VIS time loss: 00 h 00 min (0%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
Grazian Q3615817 MODS Bino dual grating 0.17h+0.17h seeing on average ~1.4" but it went up to 2.5" and we lost 2 mag of flux, we took an additional exposure
Grazian Q42579006 MODS Bino dual grating 0.17+0.17h very variable seeing between 1" and 2" during the exposure, we took an additional image
Grazian Q36912183 MODS Bino dual grating 0.08+0.0.08h seeing on average ~1.4"
Grazian Q42578986 MODS Bino dual grating 0.17+0.0.17h seeing bouncing between 1.5" and 2" during the integration, we took an additional image
standard GD71 MODS Bino dual grating    
Detailed log at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mp2ISizC-El5zw8ht_bZVH_QMzu6B5-7/view?usp=sharing

Further details in the log by Justin Rupert at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1u8Qpw2kfFgbBZyBs9LkBC8Bv1y4S1ZWd/view?usp=sharing

Summary of MODS calib files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F8dtQn8ESKlanElSiWxjzreThTU5Mlir/view?usp=sharing

Summary of MODS science files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RbgwFZRw-c6XFXrRfuiCYDEQPIye5Apr/view?usp=sharing
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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