INAF queue observing, 2024 January 08 - January 09

Observer: Felice Cusano, Andrea Rossi
Support: Justin Rupert
Telescope operator : John Hill
Instrument: LUCI


These observations have been performed by Justin Rupert with the support of LBT-Italia-obs remotely.

At sunset the sky is clear, we can open. Humidity is 86%, wind 14 m/s. We try to open. Outside temperature is -15°C, we can not operate AO.
Seeing variable between 1.5 and 3.5" at the beginning of the night.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 01:22 - 13:24 UT = * 12h* * 02m*
Observing time: 10h 20min (87%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 20min (2%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 80min (11%)*
Shark-VIS time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
Giannini HD236044 LUCI-BINO zjSpec, HKspec   telluric for Gaia21csu
Giannini Gaia21csu LUCI-BINO zjSpec, HKspec 1h+1h/0.5h+0.5h x2 for bad seeing, 2-3" completed
Giannini HIP31567 LUCI-BINO zjSpec, HKspec   telluric for Gaia22dbd
Giannini Gaia22dbd LUCI-BINO zjSpec, HKspec 0.5h+0.5h/0.5h+0.5h completed
Giannini HD22859 LUCI-BINO zjSpec, HKspec   telluric for Gaia22agc
Giannini Gaia22agc LUCI-BINO zjSpec, HKspec 0.25h+0.25h/0.25h+0.25h completed
Giannini Gaia22agc LUCI-BINO imaging JHKs 0.1h+0.1h+0.1h bad seeing maybe useless
Giannini HIP31567 LUCI-BINO zjSpec, HKspec   telluric for Gaia21ebu
Giannini Gaia21ebu LUCI-BINO zjSpec, HKspec 0.25h+0.25h/0.25h+0.25h seeing ~1.3" completed
Giannini HIP24508 LUCI-BINO zjSpec, HKspec   telluric for Gaia23bri
Giannini Gaia23bri LUCI-BINO zjSpec, HKspec 0.5h+0.5h/0.5h+0.5h low S/N, bad seeing. luci1.*152 and luci2.*159 bad. Done twice completed
Saccheo FS126 LUCI-BINO zH   standard. Shows some elongation even after recollimation. Took twice. OK?
Saccheo J1007 LUCI-BINO JHK 0.15h+0.15h+0.15h completed
Piconcelli HD105308 LUCI-BINO KG210   telluric
Piconcelli J120210 LUCI-BINO KG210 0.5h+0.5h done twice completed
Piconcelli HD105308 LUCI-BINO KG210   telluric
Piconcelli J122803 LUCI-BINO KG210 0.5h+0.5h done twice completed
Calibrations   MODS-BINO      
Detailed log at this link:

Further details in the Log by Justin Rupert at this link:
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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