INAF queue observing, 2024 January 06 - January 07
Observer: Felice Cusano, Simona Paiano
Support: Alexander Becker
Telescope operator : Ricardo Ansaldi
Instrument: LUCI BINO
These observations have been performed by Alexander Backer with the support of LBT-Italia-obs remotely.
At sunset the sky is clear, but from the satellite we can see a big storm approacing from the north west. We closed one hour
after sunset, too many clouds, the storm has arrived at about 01:20 UT.
Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 01:22 - 13:24 UT = * 12h* * 02m*
Observing time: h min (0%)*
Weather time loss: 12 h min (100%)*
Technical time loss: h min (0%)*
Shark-VIS time loss: h min (0%)*
Data Summary
Detailed log at this link: