INAF queue observing, 2023 November 22 - November 23

Observer: Felice Cusano, Ester Marini
Support: Andrew Cardwell
Telescope operator : Ricardo Ansaldi
Instrument: LUCI 2


These observations have been performed by Alex Becker with the support of LBT-Italia-obs remotely.

At sunset the sky is clear and weather conditions are good we can open. We use LUCI2 up to 05:30 then we give the telescope to SHARK.
We switch again to LUCi after 4 hours. Several problems during the night for collimation and pointing. TMS is not available. LUCI1 is not available for all the run due to technical problem.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 01:30 - 12:40 UT = * 11h* * 10m*
Observing time: 6h 10min (55%)*
Weather time loss: h min (%)*
Technical time loss: 1 h 0 min (9%)*
Shark-VIS time loss: 4h 0min (36%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
Troja GRB23117A LUCI2 K, J, H 1.2h/1.2h completed
Giannini Gaia22dwi LUCI2 zJspec, HKspec 0.5h completed spectroscopy no imaging, early HKspec are wrong
Telluric BD493793 LUCI2 zJspec, HKspec   for Giannini
Telluric HIP19813 LUCI2 zJspec, HKspec   for Giannini
Giannini Gaia22efa LUCI2 ima JHKs   seeing 0.9"
Giannini Gaia22efa LUCI2 zJspec, HKspec 0.25h completed spectroscopy, reduced time to avoid saturation
Giannini Gaia22bvi LUCI2 ima JHKs   seeing 0.9"
Giannini Gaia22bvi LUCI2 zJspec, HKspec 0.17h completed spectroscopy reduced time to avoid saturation
Telluric HIP19813 LUCI2 zJspec, HKspec   for Giannini
Giannini Gaia23bri LUCI2 zJspec, HKspec 0.5h completed spectroscopy no imaging and telluric since we had to close, but HIP19813 should be fine for this target too (see log)
Detailed log at this link:

Further details in the Log by Alex Becker at this link:

Summary of LUCI calib files:
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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