-- EsterMarini - 17 Oct 2023

INAF queue observing, 2023 October 16 - October 17

Observer: Ester Marini, Roberto Speziali, Lorenzo Napolitano
Support: Jenny Power
Telescope operator : Josh Williams
Instrument: LBC BINO / MODS1+2


These observations have been performed at the control room of LBT by Ester Marini with the support of Roberto Speziali and Lorenzo Napolitano (phd student). Jenny Power is giving support remotely,

At sunset the sky is clear. We open at sunset. TMS is not available tonight.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 01:45 - 12:15 UT = * 10h* * 30m*
Observing time: 100h 0min (100%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*
Shark-VIS time loss: 0h 0min (0%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
Calib bias 3Kx3K MODS1+2      
Calib slitless flat MODS1+2 dual grating    
Calib skyflat LBC BINO rr   PA=0,180
Giunta 2020BS LBC-BINO g i, r z sloan 0.22hr  
Vito J0050 LBC BINO r-i 1hr done again r_i_1 in this run, because on run 97 there were clouds
Vito_4 Slug LBC BINO Uspec-V 0.5hr  
Vito_4 Slug LBC BINO Uspec-r 0.5hr  
Vito_4 Slug LBC BINO Uspec-i 0.5hr  
Vito J01360 LBC BINO r-Y   stopped at 24/60 due to clouds
Maiorano GRB 210722A LBC BINO r z sloan   script 2 and 3 done, completed
Ighina DESJ0056-05 MODS1+2 red grating 2.1hr seeing on average ~1", completed
Giannini Gaia22efa MODS1+2 dual grating 0.5hr seeing ~1"
STD GD71 MODS1+2 red grating   for Ighina
Biazzo ID24_LS MODS1+2 dual grating 1hr seeing ~1"
Biazzo ID27_LS MODS1+2 dual grating 1hr seeing ~1"
Biazzo ID34_LS MODS1+2 dual grating 1hr seeing ~1"
Calib flat_5p0 MODS1+2 red grating    
Calib arcs MODS1+2 MOS blue grating    
Calib slitless flat MODS1+2 MOS blue grating    
Detailed log at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/135pej0uAKCPK646GbBx-nvcn1XuhQZZU/view?usp=sharing

Further details in the Log by Jenny Power at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A4xZEibKe0xzEAunLWX8YoJghnh8fxQ2/view?usp=sharing

Summary of MODS science files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uF4tO10nJZvJY7Pbr12O4_6TZqoDswuD/view?usp=sharing

Summary of MODS calib files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BOu3I1Ar6f7QL6igyvded31CqhzlRu0t/view?usp=sharing

Summary of LBC science files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16FDe2uYi7gB--EiQBDX1SYf1Osq4h0aD/view?usp=sharing

Summary of LBC calib files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_rdz6_iTxcxGLTCS6N-TD1WFz0a_YBy5/view?usp=sharing
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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