INAF queue observing, 2023 September 18 - September 19

Observer: Andrea Rossi, Simona Paiano, Ester Marini
Support: Alex Becker
Telescope operator : David Gonzalez Huerta
Instrument: LBC


These observations have been performed for the first half of the night by Andrea Rossi and LBTO personnel, and for the second half by LBTO team under the supervision of Simona Paiano.

At sunset the sky is clear, we can open. We start with LBC. For technical problems we switch to PEPSI at about midnight, see logs for details.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 02:15 - 12:15 UT = * 10h* * 00m*
Observing time: 7h 55min (%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 5min (%)*
Technical time loss: 2h 0min (%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Notes
calib imaging flat MODS1-2 u,g,r,i    
calib sky flat LBC Bino Uspec,B-Bessel + YFan, V-Bessel    
Vito J2216-0016 LBCblue+LBCred r+Y 30+30m only Y is ok
Vito J2216-0016 LBCblue+LBCred r+z 30+30m  
Vito J005006 LBCblue+LBCred r+i XXm+XXm script stopped due to bad seeing ( >1.1)
Maiorano GRB210722A LBCblue+LBCred r+z 0.67h+0.67h 2 times (not completed due to LBC issue)
Marini IRAS 22023+5249 PEPSI CDI-CDIV 1.37hr S/N~92 on CDI, ~224 on CDIV first exposure of 24minutes -
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451181353923720320 PEPSI CD3-CD5 0.07hr S/N~102 on CD3, ~181 on CD5
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451181353923720320 PEPSI CD1-CD6 0.13hr S/N~67 on CD1, ~235 on CD6
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451181353923720320 PEPSI CD1-CD4 0.13hr S/N~68 on CD1, ~207 on CD4
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451181839259368832 PEPSI CD3-CD5 0.08hr S/N~100 on CD3, ~166 on CD5
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451182144197691904 PEPSI CD1-CD4 0.13hr S/N~66 on CD1, ~210 on CD4
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451182144197691904 PEPSI CD3-CD5 0.07hr S/N~112 on CD3, ~183 on CD5
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451182144197691904 PEPSI CD1-CD6 0.13hr S/N~60 on CD1, ~246 on CD6
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451180602308806016 PEPSI CD3-CD5 0.08hr S/N~99 on CD3, ~157 on CD5
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451180980265918208 PEPSI CD3-CD5 0.08hr S/N~95 on CD3, ~173 on CD5
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451180911546448768 PEPSI CD3-CD5 0.08hr S/N~102 on CD3, ~165 on CD5
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451181873619102208 PEPSI CD3-CD5 0.07hr S/N~87 on CD3, ~150 on CD5
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451218501099562752 PEPSI CD1-CD4 0.13hr S/N~67 on CD1, ~250 on CD4
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451218501099562752 PEPSI CD1-CD6 0.13hr S/N~71 on CD1, ~268 on CD6
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451218501099562752 PEPSI CD3-CD5 0.07hr S/N~114 on CD3, ~191 on CD5
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451181152064582272 PEPSI CD3-CD5 0.09hr S/N~88 on CD3, ~141 on CD5
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451180838527642496 PEPSI CD3-CD5 0.07hr S/N~104 on CD3, ~174 on CD5
Bragaglia Gaia DR3 3451204615466584832 PEPSI CD3-CD5 0.125hr S/N~117 on CD3, ~133 on CD5
Detailed log at this link:

Further details in the Log by Alex Backer at this link:

Summary of LBC science files:

Summary of LBC calib files:

Summary of MODS calib files:

Summary of PEPSI science files:
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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