INAF queue observing, 2023 Apr 20 - Apr 21
Observer: Olga Kuhn
Telescope Operator: David Gonzales Huerta
Astronomers from Italy: Felice Cusano, Ester Marini, Andrea Rossi, Simona Paiano
Instrument: MODS-BINO, LBC
These observations have been performed by Olga Kuhn from LBTO, Andrea Rossi and then Felice Cusano connected from Italy with the support of Ester Marini and Simona Paiano and other LBTO personnel.
At sunset the sky is clear and wind is from NW but within constraints. We start with MODS1+2.
We switch to LBC to complete Belladitta, but conditions were not good enough for this program, so we had to go back to MODS.
Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 02:50 - 11:50 UT = * 9h* * 00m*
Observing time: 9 h 0 min (100 %)*
Weather time loss: 0 h 0 min (0 %)*
Technical time loss: 0 h 0 min (0 %)*
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
Feige34 |
MODS1+2 |
red grating |
for Ighina and Decarli |
Feige34 |
MODS1+2 |
dual grating |
for Mazzolari and Severgnini |
Mazzolari |
ID774 |
MODS1+2 |
dual grating |
2.5h/2h |
this was done for the problem occurred on MODS1. We took one more exposure due to bad seeing during the first and second one |
Belladitta_LBTB |
J1037 |
0.6h |
has to be done again, FWHM on image ~2" |
D'Onofrio |
NGC4307 |
0.5h/1.5h |
done NGC4307_g_r_1.xml with fwhm=1", second obs stopped for high seeing |
Decarli |
PSO0234.55 |
MODS1+2 |
red grating |
2X(0.16h+0.16h) |
Seeing~1.3" double exp time for variable seeing completed |
Decarli |
PSO0250.58 |
MODS1+2 |
red grating |
(0.25h+0.25h) |
Seeing~1" |
Decarli |
PSO0262.67 |
MODS1+2 |
red grating |
(0.25h+0.25h) |
Seeing~1" |
Ighina |
PSJ1614 |
MODS1+2 |
red grating |
(0.6h+0.6h) |
Used slit = 1" , Seeing~1" completed |
calibration |
MODS1+2 |
dual grating |
slit 1.2" |
calibration |
Bias |
LBC-Bino |
Detailed log by Andrea, Ester, Felice and Simona at this link:
Detailed log by Olga Kuhn at this link:
Summary of MODS science files:
Summary of MODS calib files:
Summary of LBC science files:
Summary of LBC calib files: