INAF queue observing, 2022 Dec 18 - Dec 19
Observer: Alex Becker
Telescope Operator: David Gonzalez Huerta
Astronomers from Italy: Felice Cusano and Andrea Rossi
Instrument: LUCI
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation these observations have been performed by LBTO personnel
through the indications of LBT Italian observers connected from Italy.
99% humidity and clouds. Later IT problems. We open at 12:10 UT
Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 01:20 - 13:20 UT = * 12h* * 00m*
Observing time: 1h 5min (9%)*
Weather time loss: 8h 40min (73%)*
Technical time loss: 2h 15min (18%)*
Data Summary
Detailed log by Alex at this link:
summary of MODS science files: