INAF queue observing, 2022 February 4 - February 5

Observer: B. Rothberg
Telescope Operator: D. Garcia-Huerta
Astronomers from Italy: Andrea Rossi, Simona Paiano
Instrument: MODS


Due to the covid-19 pandemic situation these observations have been performed by LBTO personel
through the indications of LBT Italian observers (F. Cusano, A. Rossi, S. Paiano and E. Marini) connected from Italy.

Night starts clear. Only instruments available are MODS and LBC

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 01:50 - 13:20 UT = 11 h 30*m*
Observing time: 11h 13min (%)*
Weather time loss: 0h 0min (%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 13 min (%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
STD GD71 MODS1+2 dualgrating   mods1b.0017-0019, mods1r.0019-0021; mods2b.0003-0005, mods2r.0005-0007  
Biazzo F7 MODS1+2 ima g+r 4m mods1b.0020-0023, mods1r.0022-0025; mods2b.0006-0009, mods2r.0008-0011 seeing ~1.8"
Giannini Gaia18eap MODS1+2 ima ugriz 10m mods1b.0024-0026, mods1r.0026-0028; mods2b.0010-0012, mods2r.0012-0014 ima only,seeing 1-1.6 highly variable
Paiano 4FGLJ0656 MODS1+2 dualgrating slit 1.2" 0.9+0.9h mods1b.0027-0032 , mods1r.0034-0039; mods2b.0013-0018, mods2r.0021-0026 seeing 1-1.6" highly variable
Paiano 4FGLJ0800 MODS1+2 dualgrating slit 1.2" 0.5+0.5h mods1b.0033-0035 , mods1r.0043-0045; mods2b.0019-0021, mods2r.0030-0032 seeing 1-1.4" highly variable
Biazzo F7 MODS1+2 dualgrating MOS ID591958 0.5+0.5h mods1b.0036-0038 , mods1r.0050-0052; mods2b.0022-0024, mods2r.0037-0039 seeing 1-1.2"
Biazzo F10 MODS1+2 dualgrating MOS ID571232 0.5+0.5h mods1b.0039-41 , mods1r.0056-58; mods2b.0025-27, mods2r.0043-45  
Biazzo F10 MODS1+2 imaging   mods1b.0042-0045 , mods1r.0059-0062; mods2b.0028-0031, mods2r.0046-0049 seeing M1B FWHM ~1.1”-1.2”, M1R ~0.9”
Biazzo F7 MODS1+2 imaging   mods1b.0046-0049 , mods1r.0063-0067; mods2b.0032-0035, mods2r.0050-00539 seeing ~1.3"
Paiano 4FGLJ0910 MODS1+2 dualgrating slit 1.2" 1h+1h mods1b.0050-55 , mods1r.0074-79; mods2b.0036-41, mods2r.0062-67 seeing 1.6" (but also up to 1.8")
Marchesi J1030 MODS1+2 MOS dualgrating ID 541604 mods.29.LBTz3v2.mms 2h+2h mods1b.0056-61 , mods1r.0083-88; mods2b.0042-47, mods2r.0071-76 seeing = 0.9-1.1" , bias issue in M1B 0057-58-59-60 (see log for details) - completed
Rossi GRB 210704A MODS1+2 dualgrating slit 1.2" 1h+1h mods1b.0062-64 , mods1r.0092-94; mods2b.0048-50, mods2r.0080-82 seeing = 0.8", bias issue on M1B
Deatailed log by Barry Rothberg at this link:
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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