INAF queue observing, 2021 December 21 - December 22

Observer: O. Kuhn
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez-Huerta
Astronomers from Italy: Andrea Rossi, Felice Cusano, E. Marini and Simona Paiano
Instrument: PEPSI


Due to the covid-19 pandemic situation these observations have been performed by LBTO personel
through the indications of LBT Italian observers (F. Cusano, A. Rossi, S. Paiano and E. Marini) connected from Italy.

At the sunset the sky is completely covered by clouds, we stay closed.
At ~8:00 the sky starts to clear out, we open and keep observing with PEPSI for the rest of the night.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 01:15 - 13:20 UT = 12 h 05m
Observing time: 4h 55min (40%)*
Weather time loss: 7h 06min (57%)*
Technical time loss: 0h 22min (3%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Bellazzini Gaia DR2 834056058741414400 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-6     S/N-red~130,-blue~70
Bellazzini Gaia DR2 3846427888295815552 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-6     S/N-red~220,-blue~ 190. increased te exp to 10 mins because of the clouds
Bellazzini Gaia DR2 781931511002696448 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-6     S/N-red~360,-blue~240, 10mins exp (clouds)
Bellazzini Gaia DR2 3857833427353671808 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-6     S/N-red~190,-blue~110
Bellazzini Gaia DR2 4032595650923124864 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-6     S/N-red~170,-blue~100
Bellazzini Gaia DR2 770396873818723456 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-6     S/N-red~200,-blue~125
Bellazzini Gaia DR2 3917538905901096192 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-6     S/N-red~220,-blue~140
Bellazzini Gaia DR2 4007474181050310016 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-6     S/N-red~160,-blue~80
Bellazzini Gaia DR2 3946087931475890560 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-6     S/N-red~290,-blue~190
Bellazzini Gaia DR2 1456142282990484608 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-6     S/N-red~210,-blue~130
Bellazzini Gaia DR2 4003355955952701696 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-6     S/N-red~110,-blue~60
Bellazzini Gaia DR2 3960271214861103616 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-6     S/N-red~110,-blue~70, the star was off fiber on sx side for a while, but the spectrum does not look bad
Bellazzini Gaia DR2 3735399547720979456 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-6     S/N-red~150,-blue~80
Bellazzini Gaia DR2 1461607268096999680 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-6     S/N-red~180,-blue~130, 15mins exposure
Bellazzini Gaia DR2 1538656541845737856 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-6     S/N-red~180,-blue~110 , 20mins of exp. Star was off fiber again on the sx side, but S/N is good
Bellazzini Gaia DR2 3643857920443831168 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-6     S/N-red~180,-blue~130, 15mins of exp
Bellazzini Gaia DR2 1475828798168058624 PEPSI1-2 D300/CD3-6     S/N-red~142,-blue~90, 15mins of exp, exposure stopped at 1.5min left because the star jumped off the fiber
Detailed log by Olga Kuhn at this link:
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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