INAF queue observing, 2021 December 20 - December 21

Observer: O. Kuhn
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Astronomers from Italy: Andrea Rossi, Felice Cusano, Simona Paiano and E. Marini
Instrument: MODS, LUCI


Due to the covid-19 pandemic situation these observations have been performed by LBTO personel
through the indications of LBT Italian observers (F. Cusano, A. Rossi, S. Paiano and E. Marini) connected from Italy.

We can not use LUCI1 for all the observing run due to a problem with the rotator. LUCI1-AO observations are not possible.
At the sunset the sky is clear, starting observations at twilight. Increasing clouds during the night, stop observations for couds at 4:35.
Opening again at 06:11, then variable clouds all the night.

Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 01:15 - 13:20 UT = 12 h 05m
Observing time: 8h 9min (67.5%)*
Weather time loss: 3h 56min (32.5%)*
Technical time loss: h min (%)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Calib arc+flats MODS1+2 dualgrat     BIAZZO masks
Calib arcs MODS1+2 dualgrat      
Calib slitless MODS1+2 dualgrat     slitless flats
Calib sliflats MODS1+2 dualgrat     5",0.6".0.8"
STD Feige110 MODS1+2 dualgrating      
Mannucci J034319 MODS1+2 dualgrating slit 0.6"     4 times, we did not have the time to take 5th due to weather time loss
Mannucci J012534 MODS1+2 dualgrating slit 0.6"     4 times
Biazzo ssh-284 F08 MODS1+2 MOS dual ID582936 b 1.3h/1.3h ; r 1.7h/1.7h mods1-2b.0020-0022,0027; mods1r.0058-0061,0067; mods2r.0057-0060,0066 Seeing ~0.8-1". See additional comment below **
Biazzo ssh-284 F08 MODS1+2 MOS dual g,r 0.07h/0.07h mods1-2b.0023-0026; mods1r.0062-0065, mods2r.0061-0064 Seeing ~ 1"
Biazzo ssh-284 F05 MODS1+2 MOS dual ID594959 1.3h/1.3h mods1-2b.0028-0031; mods1r.0071-0074; mods2r.0070-0073 Seeing ~ 0.6-0.8"; we have ~ 2 mag of extinction (mostly on 1st exp) and clouds, we decided to take a 4th exp of 600s
Biazzo ssh-284 F05 MODS1+2 MOS dual g,r 0.07h/0.07h mods1-2b.0032-0035; mods1r.0075-0078, mods2r.0074-0077 Seeing ~ 0.8-0.9"

Additional comments:

** We decided to took a 4th exposure of 600s due to clouds and scattered moonlight, but we accidentally took the 4th spec exposure on the red side only. We resend the acq script and we proceeded to take a single set of exposures, blue & red.

Detailed log by Olga Kuhn at this link:

Detailed log for MODS calibration by Olga Kuhn at this link:
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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