INAF queue observing, 2021 November 06 - November 07
Observer: O. Kuhn
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Astronomers from Italy: Andrea Rossi, Felice Cusano
Instrument: MODS, LBC
Due to the covid-19 pandemic situation these observations have been performed by LBTO personel
through the indications of LBT Italian observers (F. Cusano, A. Rossi, S. Paiano and E. Marini) connected from Italy.
At the sunset the sky is clear, starting observations at twilight.
Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 01:20 - 12:45 UT =
11 h 25m
Observing time: h min (%)*
Weather time loss: h 0min (%)*
Technical time loss: h min (%)*
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
Giannini |
Gaia20eae |
MODS1-2 |
dualgrating LS 1.2" |
0.5h |
mods1/2r.0016-17, mods1/2b.0001-02 |
DIMM<1" |
Giannini |
Gaia20eae |
MODS1-2 |
dualgrating ugriz |
0.1h |
mods1/2r.0018-20, mods1/2b.0003-05 |
DIMM<1" |
Standard |
Feige 110 |
MODS1-2 |
dualgrating LS 5" |
mods1/2r.0024-26, mods1/2b.0006-08 |
Mannucci |
J011100.64+001807.1 |
MODS1-2 |
dualgrating LS 0.6" |
mods1r.0031-32,mods2r.0030-31, mods1/2b.0009-10 |
DIMM~1" 1st visit |
Mannucci |
J012534.99+385046.9 |
MODS1-2 |
dualgrating LS 0.6" |
mods1r.0037-38,mods2r.0035-36, mods12b.0011-12 |
DIMM~1" |
Mannucci |
J011302.70-100615.9 |
MODS1-2 |
dualgrating LS 0.6" |
mods1r.0043-44,mods2r.0040-41, mods12b.0013-14 |
DIMM~1" 1st visit |
Mannucci |
J011100.64+001807.1 |
MODS1-2 |
dualgrating LS 0.6" |
mods1r.0049-50,mods2r.0045-46, mods12b.0015-16 |
DIMM<1" 2nd visit |
Mannucci |
J011302.70-100615.9 |
MODS1-2 |
dualgrating LS 0.6" |
mods1r.0055-56,mods2r.0050-51, mods12b.0017-18 |
DIMM~0.8" 2nd visit |
Mannucci |
J011100.64+001807.1 |
MODS1-2 |
dualgrating LS 0.6" |
mods1r.0061-62,mods2r.0056-57, mods12b.0019-20 |
3rd visit |
Mannucci |
J011302.70-100615.9 |
MODS1-2 |
dualgrating LS 0.6" |
mods1r.0066-67,mods2r.0061-62, mods12b.0021-22 |
DIMM~0.8" 3rd visit |
Mannucci |
J011100.64+001807.1 |
MODS1-2 |
dualgrating LS 0.6" |
mods1r.0071-72,mods2r.0066-67, mods12b.00-22-23 |
4th visit |
Mannucci |
J011302.70-100615.9 |
MODS1-2 |
dualgrating LS 0.6" |
mods1r.00,mods2r.00, mods12b.00 |
DIMM~1.2" 4th visit |
Mannucci |
J011100.64+001807.1 |
MODS1-2 |
dualgrating LS 0.6" |
5th visit |
Mannucci |
J011302.70-100615.9 |
MODS1-2 |
dualgrating LS 0.6" |
5th visit |
Belladitta |
J0309 |
LBC-Bino |
r,i+z |
1.5h,1h+0.5h |
fwhm 0.7", very good seeing, high sky counts in z |
Palazzi |
SLSN2020abjc |
LBC-Bino |
U,r,i,z |
0.6h |
still some high background |
Rossi |
GRB221024 |
LBC-Bino |
r,z |
0.67h |
Giunta |
2014FO47 |
LBC-Bino |
g,r,i,z |
0.12h |
Giunta |
ztf |
LBC-Bino |
g,r,i,z |
0.03h |
Calibration |
sky flat |
LBC-Bino |
Calibration |
flat |
MODS-Bino |
for 0.6" slit |
Detailed log by Olga Kuhn at this link: