-- AndreaRossi - 15 Oct 2020

INAF queue observing, 2020 Oct 14 - Oct 15

Observer: A. Cardwell
Telescope Operator: Josh
Astronomers from Italy: F. Cusano, S. Paiano, A. Rossi
Instrument: LUCI-BINO


Due to the covid-19 pandemic situation these observations have been performed by LBTO personel
through the indications of LBT Italian observers (A. Rossi, S. Paiano, F. Cusano) connected from Italy.

At the sunset the sky is clear.

Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 1:50 - 12:30 UT = 10 h 40m

Observing time: * 09 h 50 min (92 %)*

Weather time loss: * 0 h 0 min ( 0 %)*

technical time loss * 0 h 50 min (8 %)*

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Di Criscienzo dark LUCI 1-2       for And e Peg
Polletta PLCK_G67.1+22.5 LUCI 1 z - ESM 1.2 hrs   seeing = 0.8" - 1.2"
Tell_Feruglio HIP 115428 LUCI 1 G210-H - ESM     Telluric - A6
Feruglio S82X _1940 - A6 LUCI 1 G210-H - ESM 1.3 hrs luci1.0103-113 seeing=1.5" during the first and last exposures, ~1" in between
Tell_Antonucci HIP16652 LUCI 1-2 G200-zJspec     Telluric
Antonucci AGLL129 LUCI 1-2 G200-zJspec 1.0 hrs   seeing = 1.2" -1.1" (DIMM), ~ 0.75” (guiders).
Tell_Antonucci HIP16652 LUCI 1-2 G200-HKspec     Telluric
Antoniucci AGLL129 LUCI 1-2 G200-HKspec 0.8 hrs   seeing = 1.2" -1.1" (DIMM), ~ 0.75” (guiders).
Di Crescienzo AndVII LUCI 1 -2 Ks 0.6hrs   seeing = 1.45"
Di Crescienzo AndVII LUCI 1 -2 J 0.13hrs   seeing = 1.1" - 1.4"
Rossi_BACKUP_2 GRB161007A MODS 1-2 - LS dualgrating, slit 1" 3hrs   seeing ~1"

Feruglio run

We tried to put the target in the slit. According to our check, the target should be inside teh slit. This time the PA was correct. Unfortunately the seeing is very variable, spanning from 1.1" to 2.0" (but the most of time it is ~1.5"). This causes a loss of flux because the used slit is 0.5". In the frames we cannot see the spectrum of the target, also after the sly subtraction.

Around 04.55UT we had an improvment of the seeing and now we can see the spectrum of the target (after the sky subtraction).

At 05:50, suddenly the seeing increased >1.5" and then it started again to decrease slowly.


detailed log by A. Cardwell at this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ppoaVixTCpiBXdE0Pp9Bq8KNCGwWd_9E/view?usp=sharing
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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