INAF queue observing, 2020 Jan 30 - Jan 31
Observers: A. Rossi, S. Paiano &
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson &
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson &
Instrument: MODS1-2
At sunset the sky is partly cloudy but it is clearing up
There is a little bit of moon, so the sky is brigther.
MODS: both ok
- Thanks to the great work of LBTO now LBC blue is available again, although is just following the guiding of LBCred.
- LUCI1: not available all week
- LUCI2: not mounted due to AGW upgrade for SOUL
Temperature = -6
Humidity = 30
Wind =
Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 1:30 - 13:30 UT =
12h 00m = 43200 seconds
Observing time:
h min (97%)
Weather time loss
20min (3%) sec
Technical time loss:
0min (0%) sec
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
Antoniucci |
V118Ori |
MODS1-2 |
dual, slit 0.8" |
40.6/0.3h |
= mods1b.03-06 ,mods1r.09-12 mods2b.03-06, mods2r.06-09 = |
passing clouds completed |
Antoniucci |
AGLL322 |
MODS1-2 |
dual, slit 0.8" |
40.6/0.3h |
= mods1b.0007-0010 ,mods1r.0017-0020 mods2b.0007-0010, mods2r.0014-0017 = |
passing clouds completed |
Antoniucci |
2MASSJ06 |
MODS1-2 |
dual, slit 0.8" |
40.6/0.3h |
= mods1b.0011-0014 ,mods1r.002528- mods2b.0011-14, mods2r.0021-0024 = |
passing clouds completed |
Giunta/DDT_BACKUP_1 |
fieldG |
g,r |
2h |
seeing variable 1.3-2.5 |
Mannucci |
J1045 |
MODS1-2 |
dual, 0.6" |
3 times |
Mannucci |
J1115 |
MODS1-2 |
dual, 0.6" |
1 time |
Mannucci |
J1306 |
MODS1-2 |
dual, 0.6" |
3 times |
Calibration |
flat |
MODS1-2 |
red slitless |
per Belladitta |
01:58 We start with the Antoniucci's program pointing
V1118Ori with MODS1-2.
- Seeing = 1.2"
- Acq : = mods1r.20200131.0003-0008 mods2r.0003-0005 = Difficult to find the source in the slit during the acquisition because to high cloudiness (>2 mag of exctintion)
- Sci : = mods1b.03-06 ,mods1r.09-12 mods2b.03-06, mods2r.06-09 =
- 02:35 clouds are gone, seeing 1.5" on DIMM
- 02:50 seeing 1.0" on DIMM
- 02:55 passing cloud, 2 mag extinction, just for 5 min
03:09 Slew to Antoniucci AGLL322
- Acq : = mods1r.0013-0016 mods2r.0010-0013 =
- Sci : = mods1b.0007-0010 ,mods1r.0017-0020 mods2b.0007-0010, mods2r.0014-0017 =
- 03:25 DIMM seeing 1.5" variable
- 03:45 DIMM seeing 2"
*03:55 Slew to Antoniucci 2MASSJ06
- Seeing : 1.45
- Acq : = mods1r.0021-0022 mods2r.0018-0019 =
- Sci : = mods1b.0011-0014 ,mods1r.002528- mods2b.0011-14, mods2r.0021-0024 =
- 04:28 DIMM seeing 1.2" variable4
04:38 Switch to LBC
05:05 Slew to Alessio program DDT_BACKUP_1
- dohybrid
- seeing >2, difficult to converge. we try dofpia, X2
- copointing
- send DDT_BACKUP_1_1_gilli_field1.xml
- seeing >2 on images and ~1.5" on DIMM
- 05:46 send DDT_BACKUP_1_3_gilli_field2.xml
- seeing ~2
- 06:00 dopia, X2 " il red non ha trovato una appropriata collimazione"
- copointing
- 06:21 send DDT_BACKUP_1_5_gilli_field3.xml
- stars elongated
- dopia again
- 06:38 DDT_BACKUP_1_7_gilli_field4.xml
- seeing 1.5" on images
- 06:47 DDT_BACKUP_1_9_gilli_field5.xml
- 07:00 DDT_BACKUP_1_11_gilli_field6.xml
- 07:10 DDT_BACKUP_1_13_gilli_field7.xml
- seeing 1.4"
- dofpia
- 07:26 DDT_BACKUP_1_15_gilli_field8.xml
- 07:35 DDT_BACKUP_1_17_gilli_field9.xml
- we do again the first fields because seeing was >2
- 07:44 DDT_BACKUP_1_1_gilli_field1.xml again
- copoining
- dofpia
- 08:05 send DDT_BACKUP_1_3_gilli_field2.xml
- seeing1.5"-2"
- 08:15 send DDT_BACKUP_1_5_gilli_field3.xml
08:25 The seeing is still very bad, so we decide to switch to MODS
08:55 Slew to Mannucci J1045 PA 270
- seeing 2" on DIMM
- Acq :
mods1r.0029-0032, mods2r.0025-0027
- 09:15 Sci :
mods1b.0015-16 ,mods1r.0033-34
, mods2b.0015-16, mods2r.0028-29
- we take 1 exp more becuse seing ~2 or more
09:35 Slew to Mannucci J111501 PA -10
- seeing 2" on DIMM
- Acq :
mods1r.0035-0038 mods2r.0030-0033
- seeing ~3" !!
- 09:57 Sci :
mods1b.0017-18 ,mods1r.0039-40
, mods2b.0017-18, mods2r.0034-35
10:13 Slew to Mannucci J130646 PA 220
- seeing 1.7" on DIMM
- Acq :
mods1r.0041-44 mods2r.0036-0038
- Sci :
mods1b.0019-20 ,mods1r.0045-46
, mods2b.0019-20, mods2r.0039-40
10:48 Slew to Mannucci J1045 PA 270
- seeing 2" on DIMM
- Acq :
mods1r.0047-49 mods2r.0041-0043
- Sci :
mods1b.0021-22 ,mods1r.0050-51
, mods2b.0021-22, mods2r.0044-45
11:23 Slew to Mannucci J111501 PA +30
- seeing >3" on DIMM* seeing too high we have to abort
11:30 Slew to Mannucci J130646 PA 220 (higher field probably better)
- Acq :
mods1r.0053-0055 mods2r.0047-0049
- Sci :
mods1b.0023 ,mods1r.0056
, mods2b.0023, mods2r.0050
- seeing 1.7" on DIMM
12:00 Slew to Mannucci J1045 PA 270
- Acq :
mods1r.0057-0059 mods2r.0051-0053
- seeing 2-3" on DIMM
- Sci :
mods1b.0024-25 ,mods1r.0060-61
, mods2b.0024-25, mods2r.0054-55
12:34 Slew to Mannucci J130646 PA 220
- Acq :
mods1r.0062-64 mods2r.0056-58
- Sci :
mods1b.0026-27 ,mods1r.0065-66
, mods2b.0026-27, mods2r.0059-60
- seeing 2-3" on DIMM
13:10 Slew to Mannucci J1045 PA 270
- seeing too high cannot guide aborted, TO try to solve then we try again
- Acq :
mods1r.0068-70- mods2r.0062-64
- we do not see anything in the aacquisition we stop