INAF queue observing, 2020 Jan 28 - Jan 29
Observers: A. Rossi, S. Paiano
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: MODS1-2
At sunset the sky is clear
Perfect night!
Night duration (12 degree - twilight) 1:30 - 13:30 UT =
12h 00m = 43200 seconds
Observing time:
11h 15min (93%)
Weather time loss
20min (2%) 1200sec
Technical time loss:
35min (5%) 2100sec
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
Calibrations |
MODS1-2 |
5as dual grating |
for STD dual |
Calibrations |
MODS1-2 |
arcs redgrating |
for Belladitta |
Calibrations |
MODS1-2 |
slitflat 1.2" redgrating |
for Belladitta |
Calibrations |
MODS1-2 |
ugri flat ima |
for Rossi, z was not completed |
GD71 |
MODS1-2 |
dual and red grating |
mods1r.0031-0034,mods1b.0019-20 mods2r.0033-36,mods2b.0019-20 |
for Rossi, z was not completed |
Mannucci |
J0415 |
MODS1-2 |
dual grating, 0.6" |
0.5/0.84 |
mods1r.0028,39,54 mods1b.0018,21,26 mods2r.0029,41,54 mods2b.0018,21,26 |
3 pointings |
Rossi |
Sn2018ibb |
MODS1-2 |
dual grating, 1.2" |
1/3h |
mods1r.0043-0044,mods1b.0022-23 mods2r.0046-47,mods2b.0022-23 |
completed |
Rossi |
Sn2018ibb |
MODS1-2 |
ugri+ugrz imaging |
0.2h |
mods1r.0045-0046,mods1b.0024-25 mods2r.0024-25,mods2b.0048-50 |
completed |
Wolter |
NGC2276 S6/3-c |
MODS1-2 |
dual grating |
2h |
mods1r.0056-61 ,mods1b.0027-32 mods2r.0060-65,mods2b.0027-32 |
for A.Wolter CHECK |
Wolter |
NGC2276 S6/3-c |
MODS1-2 |
g+r imaging |
240 sec |
mods1r.0062- ,mods1b.0033- mods2r.0066-,mods2b.0033- |
for A.Wolter CHECK |
Paiano |
4FGLJ0955+35 |
MODS1-2 |
dual grating 1.2" |
3h |
mods1r.0083-89 ,mods1b.0043-49- mods2r.0087-93,mods2b.0044-50 |
Paiano |
GD153 |
MODS1-2 |
dual grating 5" |
mods1r.0092-94 ,mods1b.0050-52- mods2r.0097-99,mods2b.0051-53 |
SDT for Paiano DDT |
Paiano |
GD153 |
MODS1-2 |
dual grating 1.2" |
mods1r.0095-97 ,mods1b.0053-55- mods2r.0100-102,mods2b.0054-56 |
SDT for Paiano DDT |
Paiano |
4FGLJ0955+35 |
MODS1-2 |
dual grating 1.2" |
0.6h |
mods1r.0104-105 ,mods1b.0056-0057- mods2r.0108-0109-,mods2b.0057-0058 |
completed |
01:34 Slew to Mannucci program, target J0415
- PA -30 ok for -2<HA<0
- DIMM seeing 0.8"
- acq
, mods2r.20200129.0026-0028
- sci
just 1 300sec
*01:57 Slew to STD GD71 dual and red grating for Rossi, Belladitta, Paiano, Wolter
- acq
, mods2r.20200129.0030-0032
- sci
dual and red grating
02:27 Slew to Mannucci program, target J0415
- PA -30 ok for -2<HA<0
- DIMM seeing 1.0"
- acq
, mods2r.0037-0040
1 more because offset adjusted manually
- sci
just 1 300sec
02:51 Slew to Rossi DDT target SN2018ibb, PA +10
- DIMM seeing 0.8"
- acq
, mods2r.0042-0045
- sci
- sci
imaging ug+ri and ug+rz
03:57 Slew to Mannucci program, target J0415
- PA 220 ok for 0<HA<2
- DIMM seeing 0.8"
- acq
, mods2r.0050-0053
- sci
just 1 300sec
04:22 Slew to Wolter program NGC2276 S6/3-c
- DIMM seeing 0.8"
- acq
, mods2r.0055-0059
- sci
mods1r.0056-61 ,mods1b.0027-32
06:05 We continue the Wolter's program NGC2276 S6/3-c with imaging
- DIMM seeing 0.73"
- The 50'' is too big, lost guider, and hit the copointing limit.
- We create a new OB with acquisition on 50'' offset and take the imaging
- acq
=mods1r.00 =
, =mods2r.00 =
- sci
mods1r.0062-63 ,mods1b.0033-34-
06:37 We are continuing the Wolter's program NGC2276 S6/3-c providing the spectra with offset +-5" in x (left and right).
- DIMM seeing 1.00"
- acq
, mods2r.0068-72
- sci-ima
, mods2r.0068-72
= 10 min loss=
During the acquisition, we had a problem with the IMCS-Lock of MODS2 and we lost an acquisition slit image. We re-did the procedure and the second time every acquisition images was taken.
- sci-spec-Cielo1
mods1r.0071-73 ,mods1b.0037-39-
- We did also an imaging without offset before to take the spectra.
10 min loss
mods2 red frozen at second exposure
- DIMM seeing 0.6"
- sci-spec-Cielo2
mods1r.0074- ,mods1b.0040-
08:36 We are observing the target 4FGLJ0955+35 of the Paiano DDT.
- DIMM seeing 0.95"
- acq
=mods1r.0077-0082 =
, =mods2r.0081-86 =
- DIMM seeing 0.8"
- Problem with the guide stars: the stars are different for the two telescopes. This happened because there is another star with similar magnitude close the guide star choosen. We lost about 15 minutes to fix it.
- sci
mods1r.0083-89 ,mods1b.0043-49-
- Weather is perfect: T=-3C. Humiditu=32%, Wind=8m/s, no clouds!
- DIMM seeing 0.9" and stable
- The MODS-1 B spectrum number 0047 has to be rejected because is noise - we re-did the observation to obtain this missing frame.
10:40 We observe the standard star GD153 for the Paiano DDT with slit 5
- DIMM seeing 0.98"
- acq
=mods1r.0090-91 =
, =mods2r.0094-96 =
- DIMM seeing 1.0"
- sci
mods1r.0092-94 ,mods1b.0050-52-
11:00 We observe the standard star GD153 for the Paiano DDT with slit 1.2
- DIMM seeing 0.98"
- acq skipped because we use the previous one, although it is not optimal
- DIMM seeing 1.0"
- sci
mods1r.0095-97 ,mods1b.0053-55-
11:20 At the moment to change the source, some clouds were approaching. We stopped the observations for 10 minutes. No sources were available for the observations due to the faintness of the sources, the sky position contrains and seeing restriction.
We decided to re-repoint again 4FGL0955+35 that can be observed also with no-spectrophotometric sky.
- DIMM seeing 1.00"
- acq
=mods1r.0098-102 =
, =mods2r.00103-107 =
- sci
mods1r.0104-105 ,mods1b.0056-0057-
Notes from the night: We has IMCS lock problems all night and in total we estimate around 10 min of lost time
13:40 Ciao, we close the shop!