INAF queue observing, 2019 Nov 29 - Nov 30
Observer: F. Cusano, A. Gargiulo
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg (on call)
At the sunset the sky is covered by clouds and the wind is above the limit. We stay closed.
Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 1:20 - 12:50 UT =
11 h 30m
Observing time:
0h 0min (0%)
Weather time loss:
11h 30min (100%)
technical time loss
0min (0%)
Data Summary
00:46 starting LUCI dark
- Rossi DDT
luci1.20191130.0001-5, luci2.20191130.0001-5
; dit=3.0s ndit=5 lir inte
- Rossi DDT
luci1.20191130.0006-10, luci2.20191130.0006-10
; dit=200s ndit=1 mer norm
- Antoniucci iptf15afq
luci1.20191130.0011-15, luci2.20191130.0011-15
; dit=200s ndit=1 mer norm
- Antoniucci iptf15afq
luci1.20191130.0015-20, luci2.20191130.0015-20
; dit=110s ndit=1 mer norm
- Antoniucci iptf15afq
luci1.20191130.0021-25, luci2.20191130.0021-25
; dit=8s ndit=1 mer norm
- Antoniucci v512per
luci1.20191130.0026-30, luci2.20191130.0026-30
; dit=80s ndit=1 mer norm
- Antoniucci v512per
luci1.20191130.0031-35, luci2.20191130.0031-35
; dit=4s ndit=5 lir int
* starting arc & flat for Antoniucci
luci1.20191130.0035-51, luci2.20191130.0035-51
*staring MODS calibrations
- dualgrating slit flat for slit 0.6"
mods1r.20191130.0002-7, mods1b.20191130.0002-7; mods2r.20191130.0002-7, mods2b.20191130.0002-7
- dualgrating slit flat for slit 0.8"
mods1r.20191130.0008-13, mods1b.20191130.0008-13; mods2r.20191130.0008-13, mods2b.20191130.0008-13
- red grating slit flat for slit 1.2"
mods1r.20191130.0014-19; mods2r.20191130.0014-19=
- red grating slit flat for slit 5"
mods1r.20191130.0020-22; mods2r.20191130.0020-22=
- arc and flat for Garofalo mask
mods1r.20191130.0023-31, mods1b.20191130.0014-22; mods2r.20191130.0023-31, mods2b.20191130.0014-22