INAF queue observing, 2019 Nov 27 - Nov 28
Observer: F. Cusano, A. Gargiulo
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg
At the sunset the sky is covered by clouds and it is snowing. We stay closed.
Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 1:20 - 12:50 UT =
11 h 30m
Observing time:
0h 0min (0%)
Weather time loss:
11h 30min (100%)
technical time loss
0min (0%)
Data Summary
00:18 Dark LUCI bino
- Feruglio science dit=240s, ndit=1, norm, mer;
luci1.20191128.0001-5; luci2.20191128.0001-5
- Feruglio telluric dit=2.51, ndit=5, int, lir;
luci1.20191128.0006-10; luci2.20191128.0006-10
- Gargiulo and Belladitta science dit=300s,ndit=1, norm, mer;
luci1.20191128.0011-15; luci2.20191128.0011-15
- Gargiulo telluric dit=3s, ndit=5, int, lir;
luci1.20191128.0016-20; luci2.20191128.0016-20
- Giannini science and telluric dit=30s, ndit=2, int, lir;
luci1.20191128.0021-25; luci2.20191128.0021-25
- Giannini science Zcma dit=2.51s, ndit=10, int, lir;
luci1.20191128.0026-30; luci2.20191128.0026-30
- Belladitta and Nardini telluric dit=3s, ndit=2, int, lir;
luci1.20191128.0031-35; luci2.20191128.0031-35
- Nardini science dit=120s, ndit=1, norm, mer;
luci1.20191128.0036-40; luci2.20191128.0036-40
- Nardini science dit=150s, ndit=1, norm, mer;
luci1.20191128.0041-45; luci2.20191128.0041-45
- Nardini science dit=140s, ndit=1, norm, mer;
luci1.20191128.0046-50; luci2.20191128.0046-50
02:20 flat and arc for Feruglio
luci1.20191128.0051-64; luci2.20191128.0051-65
02:49 flat and arc for Giannini
luci1.20191128.0065-80; luci2.20191128.0067-82
03:45 flat and arc for Gargiulo Van001
luci1.20191128.0081-94; luci2.20191128.0083-96
04:18 flat and arc for Gargiulo Van003
luci1.20191128.0095-108; luci2.20191128.0097-110
04:58 flat and arc for Belladitta, Nardini and Rossi
luci1.20191128.0109-; luci2.20191128.0097-