INAF queue observing, 2019 Oct 21- Oct 22
Observer: A. Rossi + R. Carini+ and M. Faccini from Rome
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: LBC
At the sunset the sky is clear.
LUCI2 is not available for spectroscopy due to masks-related problems.
Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 1:40 - 12:30 UT =
10 h 50m
Observing time:
10h * 50min*
Weather time loss:
0h 0min (0%)
technical time loss
0h 0min (0%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
Garofalo |
Pegasus III |
B, V |
0.4h+0.4h |
completed |
Garofalo |
Pisces II |
B, V |
0.4h+0.4h |
completed |
Schmidt |
J2358+0125 |
LBCb g, LBCr i, r |
i=0.30h r=0.13h g=0.47H |
completed |
Mannucci |
J011302 |
dual grating |
(0.33h + 0.33h)/0.84h |
mods1r.0005, 0017, 0031, 0045 ; mods1b.0002, 0005, 0008, 0011 ; mods2r.0005, 0017, 0029, 0041 ; mods2b.0002, 0005, 0008, 0011 |
only 4 spectra |
Mannucci |
J034319 |
dual grating |
(0.42+0.42)h/0.84h |
mods1r.0009, 0022, 0035, 0052, 0061 ; mods1b.0003, 0006, 0009, 0012, 0014 ; mods2r.0009, 0021, 0033, 0047, 0055 ; mods2b.0003, 0006, 0009, 0012, 0014 |
completed |
Mannucci |
J033205 |
dual grating |
(0.42+0.42)h/0.84h |
mods1r.0013, 0027, 0039, 0056, 0065 ; mods1b.0004, 0007, 0010, 0013, 0015 ; mods2r.0013, 0025, 0037, 0051, 0061 ; mods2b.0004, 0007, 0010, 0013, 0015 |
completed |
Sn2018ibb |
dual grating +ima(ug+riz) |
(0.42+0.42)h/1.0h + 4m/4m |
mods1r.0070-0071, mods1b.0016-0017 ; mods2r.0066-0067,mods2b.0016-0017 ; mods1r.0072-0073, mods1b.0018-0019 ; mods2r.0068-0069,mods2b.0018-0019 |
Belladitta |
PSOJ0944 |
red grating |
(0.22+0.22)h/2.6 h |
mods1r.0078, mods2r.0073 |
Standard |
GD71 |
MODS1+2 |
mods1r.0082-0085; mods1b.0020-0021 mods2r.0077-0080; mods2b.0020-0021 |
for RossiDDT e Belladitta |
sky flat |
r,i |
LUCI Calibrations
- LUCI darks 5sx12 lir int luci.20191022.0002-0006
- LUCI darks 60.0x1 lir norm luci.20191022.00-0011
- LUCI darks 30.0x2 lir int luci.20191022.0012-0016
LBC skyflats
- LBCb Uspec PA 180 0 , LBCR V PA 180 0 are ok
- LBCb g 180 0 , LBCR R PA 180 0 are ok
- LBCR r PA 180 0 are ok
01:33 Slew to Garofalo Pegasus III
- dohybrid
- copointing
- 01:48 blue not perfect dofpia again
- 01:50 start Pegasus_1
- seeing 1.1" on DIMM at 01:51
- 01:55 start Pegasus_2
- seeing 1.2 on image
- 02:01 start Pegasus_3, DIMM 1.2"
- 02:07 start Pegasus_4, DIMM 1.1", 1.1" on image
- dofpia at 02:13
- 02:17 start Pegasus_5, DIMM jump 1.5" !!! actually in the image I found later seeing 1.2" so ok
- 02:21 DIMM 1" take again, seeing 1" on image
- 02:26 start Pegasus_6, DIMM 1.2"
- 02:33 start Pegasus_7, DIMM 1.2", seeing 1" on image
- 02:39 start Pegasus_8, DIMM 1.3"
02:46 Slew to Garofalo Pisces II
- dofpia
- 02:51 Pisces_1, DIMM 1.1"
- 02:57 Pisces_2, DIMM 1.1"
- DIMM jump to 2" take again 0.9" on image
- 03:08 Pisces_3, DIMM 1.2"
- 03:13 Pisces_4 seeing 1.1" on image
- dofpia
- 03:23 Pisces_5
- 03:28 Pisces_6
- 03:33 Pisces_7 0.8" on image
- 03:39 Pisces_8 DIMM 1"
03:44 Slew to Schmidt Program, J2358+0125
- dofpia
- copointing
- 03:55 J2358+0125_g_i_1 seeing 0.7" on image image 035737 on LBCR not good readout problem?
- dofpia
- 04:15 J2358+0125_g_i_1 again DIMM 0.7" seeing 0.6" on image
- 04:30 J2358+0125_g_i_2 last image elongated in LBCb. stop. We have enough g+i exposures
- DIMM 1"
- 04:40 dofpia
- 04:47 J2358+0125_g_r seeing 0.9" on image
05:02 Switch to MODS
05:23 Slew to Mannucci's program, target J011302, PA=-20 degree
- acq
; mods2r.0002.fits-mods2r.0004.fits
- 05:35 sci
mods1r.0005, mods1b.0002
; mods2r.0005, mods2b.0002
- dimm variable up to 1.5"
05:44 target J034319, PA=-45 degree
* acq
* sci
mods1r.0009, mods1b.0003
06:09 target J033205 PA=-30 degree
- acq
; mods2r.0010-0012
- 06:19 sci
mods1r.0013, mods1b.0004
; mods2r.0013,mods2b.0004
- dimm 1.0"
06:28 target J011302, PA=0 degree
- acq
; mods2r.0014-0016
- sci
mods1r.0017, mods1b.0005
; mods2r.0017,mods2b.0005
- dimm 1.3"
06:53 target J034319, PA=-45 degree
- acq
; mods2r.0018-0020
- 07:06 sci
mods1r.0022, mods1b.0006
; mods2r.0021,mods2b.0006
- dimm 0.6"
07:15 target J033205 PA=-30 degree
- acq
; mods2r.0022-0024
- 07:30 sci
mods1r.0027, mods1b.0007
; mods2r.0025,mods2b.0007
- dimm 0.7"
07:40 target J011302, PA=0 degree
- acq
; mods2r.0026-0028
- 07:54 sci
mods1r.0031, mods1b.0008
; mods2r.0029,mods2b.0008
- dimm 0.6"
08:03 target J034319, PA=0 degree
- acq
; mods2r.0030-0032
- 08:15 sci
mods1r.0035, mods1b.0009
; mods2r.0033,mods2b.0009
- dimm 0.9"
8:24 target J033205 PA=0 degree
- acq
; mods2r.0034-0036
- 08:35 sci
mods1r.0039, mods1b.0010
; mods2r.0037,mods2b.0010
- dimm 0.9"
08:42 target J011302, PA=30 degree
- acq
; mods2r.0038-0040
- 8:56 sci
mods1r.0045, mods1b.0011
; mods2r.0041,mods2b.0011
- dimm 0.8"
09:06 target J034319, PA=0 degree
- acq
; mods2r.0042-0043
- 09:09 problem with MODS2 guide, we stop the integration with MODS2
- 09:14 start again the acquisition in both MODS
; mods2r.0044-0046
- 09:23 sci
mods1r.0052, mods1b.0012
; mods2r.0047,mods2b.0012
- dimm 0.9"
09:35 target J033205 PA=30 degree
- acq
; mods2r.0048-0050
- 09:46 sci
mods1r.0056, mods1b.0013
; mods2r.0051,mods2b.0013
- dimm 0.8"
09:56 target J034319, PA=45 degree
- acq
; mods2r.0052-0056
- 10:08 sci
mods1r.0061, mods1b.0014
; mods2r.0057,mods2b.0014
- dimm 0.8"
10:20 target J033205 PA=30 degree
- acq
; mods2r.0058-0060
- 09:46 sci
mods1r.0065, mods1b.0015
; mods2r.0061,mods2b.0015
- dimm 0.8"
10:37 slew to Rossi's DDT
- acq
; mods2r.0062-0065
airmass 1.7, PA=10
- 10:51 sci
mods1r.0070-0071, mods1b.0016-0017
; mods2r.0066-0067,mods2b.0016-0017
- dimm 0.8"
11:24 imaging sci
mods1r.0072-0073, mods1b.0018-0019
11:35 slew to Belladitta's program PSOJ0944
- acq
; mods2r.0070-0072
- 11:47 sci
mods1r.0078-0079, mods2r.0073-0074
the last images (mods1r.0079 mods2r.0074 are long only 2 minuts)
- dimm 0.6"
12:10 slew to standard star, GD71
- acq
- 12:17 dual + red grating sci
mods1r.0082-0085; mods1b.0020-0021
mods2r.0077-0080; mods2b.0020-0021
12:37 switch to LBC to do some sky flats