INAF queue observing, 2019 Sep 27-28
Observer: F. Cusano, A. Gargiulo
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Before sunset issues with MODS1-2 not coming up.
At the sunset the sky is partially covered by clouds, humidity at 95%.
At 1:37 sky is clear, some low clouds all around, humidity at 63%. At 1:42 problem solved with MODS we can use them.
Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 2:00 - 12:20 UT =
10 h 20m
Observing time:
9h 55min (96%)
Weather time loss:
0h 0min (0%)
technical time loss
25*min (4%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
Massi |
FS143 |
H2 |
Massi |
G035.02 |
H2 |
2.2/2h |
completed |
Massi |
G035.02 |
Ks |
0.16/0.16h |
completed |
Massi |
G180.20 |
H2 |
2/2h |
completed |
Massi |
G180.20 |
Ks |
0.16/0.16h |
completed |
Nardini |
HD205840 |
G200/zj |
completed |
Nardini |
J223408 |
G200/zj |
0.375/0.3h |
completed |
Massi |
FS151 |
H2 |
Massi |
G097.53 |
H2 |
2/2h |
completed |
Massi |
G097.53 |
Ks |
0.16/0.16h |
completed |
Nardini |
J0303 |
G200/zj |
0.36/0.36h |
completed |
Nardini |
HIP13197 |
G200/zj |
completed |
Nardini |
J0304 |
G200/zj |
0.46/0.46h |
completed |
Massi |
G176.25 |
H2 |
2/2h |
completed |
Massi |
G176.25 |
Ks |
0.16/0.16h |
completed |
Massi |
FS122 |
H2 |
Massi |
G168.06 |
Ks |
0.16/0.16h |
completed |
Massi |
G168.06 |
H2 |
0.88/2h |
Massi |
flat |
H2, Ks |
1:52 LUCI does not copy files in newdata directory
1:58 Problem solved
2:17 we slew to Massi program G035.02
- 2:17 we send the script for Massi standard FS143
- 2:20 seeing on dimm 1"
- 2:29 we send the script for Massi target G035.02 (H2)
- 2:30 seeing on dimm 0.9"
- 2:50 seeing jumps to 1.6"
- 2:53 seeing on images 0.8"
- 3:03 seeing jumps to 1.4"
- 3:06 seeing on guider 0.8"
- 3:17 seeing on guider 0.8"
- 3:33 seeing on guider 0.7"
- 3:33 humidity rises to 90%
- due to the variable seeing, we take two more exposures per arm
- 3:48 humidity is 70%
- 3:50 we send the script for Massi target G035.02 (Ks)
- 3:51 seeing on dimm 1.0"
- luci1.0030.fits is not good
4:03 we slew to Massi program G108.20
- 4:03 we send the script for Massi target G108.20 (H2)
- 4:04 seeing on dimm 0.8"
- 4:23 seeing on dimm 0.7"
- 4:32 humidity 54%
- 4:49 seeing on dimm 0.83"
- 4:45 seeing jumps to 1.4"
- 4:58 seeing on dimm 0.98"
- 5:18 seeing on dimm 1.10"
- 5:20 we send the script for Massi target G108.20 (Ks)
- 5:28 seeing on dimm 0.98"
5:29 we slew to Nardini program J223408
- 5:30 we send the script for Nardini telluric HD205840
- 5:32 MOS error on LUCI2
- 5:45 MOS error solved
- 5:45 seeing on dimm 0.85"
- acq
- sci
- 5:52 we send the script for Nardini target J22340
- 5:52 seeing on dimm 0.9"
- acq
- 6:03 seeing on dimm 0.77"
- 6:13 seeing on dimm 0.70"
- sci
6:18 we slew to Massi program G097.53
- 6:18 we send the script for Massi standard FS151
- 6:18 MOS error on LUCI2
- 6:37 MOS error still persists. Dave suggested to go on with just LUCI1
- 6:40 we send again the script just for LUCI1 we changed the script in a hurry, so PARTNER and PI_NAME keywords are wrong
- 6:44 seeing on dimm 0.72"
- 6:51 we send the script for Massi target G097.53 (H2)
- 7:14 seeing on dimm 0.70"
- 7:15 Dave puts the mask back in storage, and gives us the authorization to use LUCI2, but just for imaging. we have acquired 6 images with LUCI1 ==luci.0086-0091==
- 7:20 we send the script again in bino mode
- 7:24 seeing on dimm 0.72"
- 7:38 seeing on dimm 0.76"
- 7:55 seeing on dimm 0.67"
- 8:10 seeing on dimm 0.70"
- 8:20 we send the script for Massi target G097.53 (Ks)
- 8:21 check pointing
- 8:24 we send the script again
- 8:34 seeing on dimm 0.70"
8:35 we slew to Nardini program J0303
- for spectroscopy we can use just LUCI1
- 8:37 we send the script for Nardini target J0303
- 8:45 seeing on dimm 0.70"
- acq
- 9:01 seeing on dimm 0.72"
- 9:10 seeing on dimm 0.73"
- sci
- 9:16 we send the script for Nardini telluric HP13917
- acq
- sci
9:22 we slew to Nardini program J0304
- 9:22 seeing on dimm 0.75"
- acq
- 9:32 seeing on dimm 0.85"
- 9:45 seeing on dimm 0.76"
- 9:59 seeing on dimm 0.75"
- sci
10:05 we slew to Massi program G176.25
- 10:06 we send the script for Massi target G176.25 (H2)
- 10:38 seeing on dimm 0.73"
- 10:47 seeing on dimm 0.82"
- 11:14 seeing on dimm 0.72"
- 11:21 seeing on dimm 0.69"
- 11:25 we send the script for Massi target G176.25 (Ks)
- 11:33 seeing on dimm 0.85"
- 11:33 we send the script for Massi standard FS122 (H2)
- 11:45 seeing on dimm 0.69"
11:45 we slew to Massi program G168.06
- 11:45 we send the script for Massi target G168.06 (Ks)
- 11:57 we send the script for Massi target G168.06 (H2)
- 11:57 seeing on dimm 0.87
- 12:17 seeing on dimm 0.65
- dome H2/Ks flat for Massi