INAF queue observing, 2019 July 06 - 07
Observer: A. Rossi, D. Paris
Telescope Operator: J. Williams
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg (on call)
Instrument: MODS
At the sunset the sky is cloudy with occasional showers and storms around the mountain. DOME closed.
Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 3:35 - 11:15 UT =
7 h 40m.
Observing time:
h min (%)
Weather time loss:
7h 40min (100%)
technical time loss
h *min (%)
Data Summary
02:00 MODS calib
- imaging flats dual
mods1b.20190707.0002-0011, mods1r.20190707.0002-0016 ; mods2b.20190707.0002-0011, mods2r.20190707.0002-0016
for Antoniucci
- slitflats 1.2" dual
mods1b.20190707.0012-0017, mods1r.20190707.0017-0022 ; mods2b.20190707.0012-0017, mods2r.20190707.0017-0022
10:00 100% humidity, we give up
AndreaRossi - 07 Jul 2019