AndreaRossi - 03 Jul 2019
INAF queue observing, 2019 July 03 - 04
Observer: A. Rossi, D. Paris
Telescope Operator: J. Williams
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg (in Tucson)
Instrument: MODS
At the sunset the sky has some passing clouds. We start with MODS.
Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 3:35 - 11:15 UT =
7 h 40m.
Observing time:
h min (80%)
Weather time loss:
h min (0%)
technical time loss
1h *30min (20%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
Calibration |
arcs+slitflats |
MODS1+2 |
dual |
for Nacimbeni Ke21 |
Calibration |
darks |
200 MER, normal |
for CassarĂ e Casasola |
Nascimbeni |
Kelt21 |
MODS1+2 |
dual grating |
4.8h red, 3.3h blue |
mods1r.0014-0114, mods1b.0011-0086; mods2r.0020-00116, mods2b.0018-0086 |
completed : lost start transit; last 1 hour only MODS1, ==to be check |
standard |
Feige110 |
MODS1+2 |
dual grating |
for Nascimbeni, Antoniucci |
Antoniucci |
V350Cep |
MODS1+2 |
dual grating |
0.6h/0.5h |
mods1r.0126-0129,mods1b.0090-93 ; mods2r.0128-0131,mods2b.0090-93 |
completed , fatto un po di piu' |
Calibration |
slitflats |
MODS1+2 |
dual |
0.8" for Antoniucci |
Calibration |
slitflats |
MODS1+2 |
dual |
5" for std feige110 |
Calibration |
slitless |
MODS1+2 |
dual |
Calibration |
arcs |
MODS1+2 |
dual |
Antoniucci |
Calibration |
bias |
MODS1+2 |
8k |
Antoniucci, Nascimbeni |
01:40 MODS CALIB Nascimbeni, not consiedr earlier exposure, lights were on
- arcs dual grating ke21 ;
mods1r.20190704.0002-04, mods1b.20190704.0002-04; mods2r.0009-0011, mods2b.0008-0010
- slitflats dual grating Ke21
mods1r.20190704.0005-0010, mods1b.20190704.0005-0011; mods2r.0012-0016, mods2b.0011-0017
02:15 LUCI 1 calib
- luci1 darks for CassarĂ +Casasola, 200s MER,norm
only 3
- had to stop calibrations because they need to check ventilation in the dome
03:35 target at +25 degrees we can start slew to target Nascimbeni Kelt 21
- 03:38 left M2 shell not good, stop and put telescope to +40
- 03:41 send again. M2 shell not good again. Call Doug Miller for instructions. Wrong configuration for the ADsec: they find that the ADsec limit of 25deg was given for the FLAO configuration, but instead SOUL is mounted
35 min loss
- 04:10 try send again, now it works acqBinomods
mods1r.20190704.0011-0013 ; mods2r.0017-0019
- seeing 1.8" on guiding
- 04:24 start science
mods1r.0014-0096, mods1b.0011-0076; mods2r.0020-00116, mods2b.0018-0086
- 04:29 first exposure not saturated, counts less than 30k
- 05:18 seeing 1.8" on guiding camera, counts ok
- 05:46
lost 3 minutes
in mods1red due to exposure countdown fail. update + red reset solved
- 05:55 seeing 2" on guiding camera
- 06:03 mods1.20190704.0044 got frozen on exposure done, red expdone solved, 1 min lost on mods1 red
- 06:35 seeing 1.5" on guiding camera
- 08:00 seeing 1" on guiding camera
- 08:50 lost tracking due to elevation limit
- 09:05 mods1 rotator error
- 09:08 target below 87deg EL,
- 09:10 mods2 rotator not working, authorize only MODS1 in total
20min loss
- 09:15 acquisition again
=mods1r.20190704.0097-0099 =
- 09:28 start science
mods1r.0100-0114, mods1b.0077-0086
- seeing 1.1" on guiding, DIMM 1"
- 10:10 20 min after end of transit, we stop
10:12 both MODS authorized again
10:13 slew to std feige110 dual grating
- 10:22 mods2 copointing limit, check pointing
10 min loss
- 10:33 acq
mods1r.20190704.0116-0117; mods2r.0118-0119
- 10:38 sci
mods1r.0118-0120,mods1b.0087-89 ; mods2r.0120-0122,mods2b.0087-0089
10:52 slew to Antoniucci v350Cep, seeing >1.5
- 11:03 lost guiding, changed PA to 160 to still get the UV but also brighter star,
10 min loss
- acq
mods1r.20190704.0123-0125; mods2r.0125-0127
- 11:13 sci
mods1r.0126-0129,mods1b.0090-93 ; mods2r.0128-0131,mods2b.0090-93
- slitflat 0.8" dual
mods1r.0130-134,mods1b.0094-99; mods2r.0132-137,mods2b.0094-99
for Antoniucci
- slitflat 5.0" dual
mods1r.0135-138,mods1b.0100-105 ; mods2r.0138-140,mods2b.0100-105
for standard
- slitless dual
mods1r.0147-152,mods1b.0106-115; mods2r.0141-145,mods2b.0106-115
NOTE: mods1r 144-147 saturated
- arcs dual
mods1r.0153-155,mods1b.0116-118; mods2r.0146-148,mods2b.0116-118
- bias8k
mods1r.0156-1,mods1b.0119-1; mods2r.0149-1,mods2b.0119-1