AndreaRossi - 07 Jun 2019
INAF queue observing, 2019 June 06 - 07
Observer: A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez-Huerta
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg (on call)
Instrument: LBC
At the sunset the sky has some passing cirrus. We start with LBC.
- This night is shared with SOUL commissioning
Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 3:29 - 07:07 UT =
3 h 38m.
Observing time:
h min (71%)
Weather time loss:
h min (0%)
technical time loss
1h *0min (29%)
Data Summary
- arcs dual grating =mods1r.20190607.0003-05, mods1b.20190607.0003-05 ; mods2r.20190607.0002-04 mods2b.20190607.0002-04 =
- slitless dual gra =mods1r.0006-0010, mods1b.0006-0015 ; mods2r.0005-0009 mods2b.0005-0014 =
02:50 some clouds but we open
03:02 too many clouds, we switch to MODS
03:25 telescope copointing problem. After this was solved, we noticed that MODS was disconnected from TCS, and thus we could not send preset.
Olga was passing by and re-established connection
1hr loss
04:30 slewing to Moretti new A15
- acq
mods1r.0011-13; mods2r.0010-12
- dimm seeing 1.0"
- passing cirrus
- 04:46 starting spec
mods1r.0014-0018 ; mods2r.0013-0017
the continuum is faint but visible in the first MODS2 spectra
- 05:30 0.5mag extinction during 2nd exp
- 05:40 dimm seeing 1.4"
- 05:47 dimm seeing 1.3"
- 05:53 dimm seeing 1.1"
- 06:07 take an additional exposure because of clouds
- 06:10 dimm seeing 1.1"
06:27 slewing to stdandard bd33 for Moretti
- acq
mods1r.0019-0020 ; mods2r.0018-0019
- 06:35 sci
mods1r.0021-0023 ; mods2r.0020-0022
06:49 slewing to
- acq
mods1r.0024-0026 ; mods2r.0023-0025
- dimme seeing
- cloud come