AndreaRossi - 06 Jun 2019
INAF queue observing, 2019 June 05 - 06
Observer: A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez-Huerta
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg (on call)
Instrument: LBC
At the sunset the sky is clear. We start with LBC.
- This night is shared with SOUL commissioning
Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 3:25 - 07:07 UT =
3 h 42m.
Observing time:
2h 0min (73%)
Weather time loss:
h min (0%)
technical time loss
1h *0min (27%)
Data Summary
01:50 power outage!!! LBT on UPS. Generators not running !!! BIG emergency
02:00 power is back!

now need 1-2 hrs to recover
03:40 telescope is ok, dome is opening
03:50 Slew to Annibali R31 UGC7577
03:55 Telescope problem, we stop
04:01 Slew to Annibali R31 UGC7577
- dohybrid failed, bad seeing?
04:05 Telescope problem, we stop
04:27 Slew to Annibali R31 UGC7577
- dohybrid did not work in blue
- dofpia X2
- dimm seeing 1"
- copointing: string and unusual readoout noise (visible only in short exposures)
- 04:45 send UGC7577_1
- 05:00 bad collimation in red, stop and run dofpia x2 again
- 05:09 send again UGC7577_1
- 05:15 now colimation is good, fwhm 0.8" on red and blue images
- 05:20 dimm 1"
- 05:30 seeing 0.7" on lbc red, 0.8" on lbc blue
- 05:30 dimm 0.9"
- 05:34 dofpia x2 again
- 05:39 send UGC7577_2
- 05:40 dimm 0.8"
- 05:50 seeing 0.6" on lbc red, 0.7" on lbc blue
- 06:04 send UGC7577_3
- 06:08 dimm 0.7"
- 06:15 seeing 0.8" on lbc red, 1.0" on lbc blue
04:27 Slew to Annibali R41 NGC4605
- dofpia
- 06:44 send NGC4605_1
- 06:52 dimm 0.8, seeing 1" on images. Airmass 1.4
- 07:05 seeing 0.8" on lbc red, 1.0" on lbc blue