AndreaRossi - 03 Jun 2019
INAF queue observing, 2019 June 02 - 03
Observer: A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg (on call)
Instrument: LBC
At the sunset the sky is clear. We start with LBC.
Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 3:25 - 11:10 UT =
7 h 45m
Observing time: 6*h*
55min (90%)
Weather time loss:
0h 00min (0%)
technical time loss
0h *55min (10%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
calibration |
dark |
Bianchi |
calibration |
skyflat |
V, R |
Annibali |
R18 |
LBCb+r |
g,r |
0,66/1h |
Annibali |
R27 |
LBCb+r |
g,r |
0,33/1h |
completed |
Annibali |
R37 |
LBCb+r |
g,r |
0,66/1h |
completed |
Annibali |
R42 |
LBCb+r |
g,r |
0,33/1h |
completed |
Prandoni |
TGSS1530 |
LBCblue+red |
r,i |
0.5/1h in r ; 0.5/1.5h in i |
Casasola |
telluric |
LUCI1+2 |
G210 J |
0.15/0.15h |
luci1.20190603.0007-10; luci2.20190603.0017-20 |
Casasola |
mask1 |
LUCI1+2 |
G210 J |
0.5/5h |
luci1.20190603.0015-0023 |
completed |
calibration |
flat |
LUCI1+2 |
z,H |
Casasola |
1:50 starting LUCI dark for Bianchi NGC4701, 200s MER x 5
200s MER x 5
20sx3, LIR INT ok anche per 2XMMi
02:50 starting sky flat V R
03:05 slew to Annibali program R18
30 min loss because of several issues with collimation, 10 min loss for wrong target
- dohybrid not enough stars in the field. create a new co-point OB
- 03:16 dohybrid again
- 03:30 background too high, wait more, then clear up configuration
- 03:35 dohybrid again
- 03:42 copointing new version.. blue looks elongated
- 03:50not correcting for z22 on bluie, try disconnect e reconnect LBC,run dohybrid again
- 04:02 NGC3077_1
- 04:05 dimm 0.9", 0.8" on LBCred
- 04:14 0.9" on LBCred
- 04:15 andrea realize that target name is wrong and the real target is another, anyway blue is elongated, z22 does not correct.
- 04:15 copointing on real target
- 04:30 dofpia does not work, must use dohybrid every time
- 04:40 lbccontrol gui crashed, connection is very slow
- 04:41 copointing
- 04:45 UGC8091_1
- 04:46 seeing 0.7" on LBCred, 0.8" on LBCblue
- 05:01 seeing 0.6" on LBCred, 0.8" on LBCblue
- 05:13 UGC8091_2 stars are round in both channels
- 05:19 circa, bright lines just exactly on the galaxy, asteroid or whatever,image 051420 and 051415
- 05:20 seeing 0.6" on LBCred, 0.8" on LBCblue
- 05:40 seeing 0.6" on LBCred, 0.7" on LBCblue
05:42 slew to Annibali program R27 OB3
- 05:43 dofpia
- 05:50 sending UGCA276_3
- 05:58 seeing 0.6" on LBCred, 0.8" on LBCblue
- 06:11 seeing 0.7" on LBCred, 0.9" on LBCblue
06:16 slew to Annibali program R37 UGC8638 OB3
- 06:20 dofpia, first time aborted not enough star, then on a copointing field
- 06:37 send UGC8638_3, dimm 0.8"
- 06:40 seeing 0.6" on LBCred, 0.8" on LBCblue
- 07:05 send UGC8638_2
- 07:15 seeing 0.5" on LBCred, 0.8" on LBCblue
- 07:20 circa, bright lines just exactly on the galaxy, asteroid or whatever,image 071949 and 071943. Twice in a night! this is odd
07:36 slew to Annibali program R42 UGC9240 OB3
- 07:40 dofpia
- 07:43 sending UGC9240_3
- 07:47 seeing 0.6" on LBCred, 0.8" on LBCblue
- 08:04 seeing 0.7" on LBCred, 0.9" on LBCblue
08:11 slewing to Prandoni TGSS1530
- 08:13 dofpia
- 08:18 sending TGSS1530_r_i_1
- 08:22 seeing 0.6" on LBCred, 0.7" on LBCblue
- 08:34 seeing 0.5" on LBCred, 0.7" on LBCblue
- 08:57 seeing 0.6" on LBCred, 0.7" on LBCblue
- 09:12 seeing 0.8" on LBCred, 0.9" on LBCblue
09:14 Switch to LUCI
09:40 slewing to Casasola telluric HIP87643
- 09:41
15min loss
LUCI2 MOS error
- 09:56 send again
- dimm seeing 0.9"
- 10:05 do again acq wrong slit (the first is the one at the center! unusual?)
- acq
luci1.20190603.0004-06; luci2.20190603.0014-16
- spec
luci1.20190603.0007-10; luci2.20190603.0017-20
10:23 slewing to Casasola mask1 filter J
- 10:25 dimm seeing 0.8"
- 10:25
5min loss
LUCI2 MOS error
- 10:31 send again
- 10:34
5min loss
LUCI2 MOS error
- 10:39 send again
- 10:40 LUCI2 MOS error
- 10:42 send LUCI 1 only script
- acq =luci1.20190603.0011-0014 =
- spec
- 10:53 dimm seeing 0.9"
- 11:18 dimm seeing 0.9"
11:30 we close, END OF THE NIGHT
- LUCI FLAT z H for Casasola
- fieldstop N3.75 off on luci2, corrected
- start again luci1.20190603.0034-43; luci2.20190603.0032-41 z band
- luci1.20190603.0044-53; luci2.20190603.0042-51 H band
AndreaRossi - 03 Jun 2019