FeliceCusano - 31 May 2019
INAF queue observing, 2019 May 30-31
Observer: F. Cusano
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Instrument: LBC
At the sunset the sky is clear. We start with LBC.
We wanted to change to LUCI around 8:40 UT, but for problem with instrument we stayed with LBC.
Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 3:23 - 11:11 UT =
7 h 48m
Observing time:
6h 48min (87%)
Weather time loss:
0h min (0%)
technical time loss
1h *min (13%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
calibration |
bias |
bino bias |
calibration |
sky flat |
g; r |
good counts |
Annibali |
R26 |
g; r |
1(bin)/1h(bin) |
completed |
Annibali |
R39 |
g; r |
1.08(bin)/1h(bin) |
completed two exps more for elongation |
Annibali |
R44 |
g; r |
0.37/0.7h(bin) |
completed |
Prandoni |
TGSSJ1530 |
g; i |
0.58/1h g; 0.58/1.5h i |
last exp low elevation, but the dimm seeing was 0.5"(!) |
Rossi |
GRB180809B |
r; z |
0.37/0.37h(bino) |
completed |
calibration |
sky flat |
r-r; i-z |
good counts |
01:23 starting LBC bino bias
02:30 starting sky flats g, r
- g; r are good
- r; i counts are too low stopped
03:06 slewing to Annibali R26, NGC4163
- 3:13 dohybrid, too bright, we wait and chane copointing ob
- 3:27 starting again dohybrid, no pupil found on the blue side
- 3:33 sending again with X2
- 3:36 dimm seeing 1"
- 3:47 still not converging, too few pupils, the to give an offset to the telescope manually to move in a different field
- 3:48 dofpia, /X2
- 3:58 sending copointing, ob NGC4163_copoiting
- 4:04 sending science, ob NGC4163_1
- 4:03 dimm seeing 0.7"
- 4:12 blue images look elonganted, red is ok
- 4:18 images have not good fwhm, very high compared to dimm seeing
- 4:20 going to a good collimation field
- 4:26 sending again NGC4163_1
- 4:34 images looks better average fwhm on images 0.9"
- 4:38 right preset canceled problem with, stop the ob
- 4:39 sending again the script starting from were it was stopped
- 4:46 average fwhm blue side 1.0", red side 0.7"
- 4:55 dofpia, problem with red side
- 5:02 dohybrid
- 5:15 NGC4163_2
- 5:23 fwhm max on images 0.8-1"
- 5:33 fwhm max on images 0.6-0.8"
- 5:40 dofpia
- 5:44 sending NGC4163_3
6:06 slewing to Annibali R39
- 6:11 dofpia
- 6:16 sending UGC8760_1
- 6:16 dimm seeing 0.8"
- 6:27 fwhm on LBC-B 1", on LBC-R 0.8"
- 6:43 dofpia
- 6:49 sending UGC87_60_2
- 6:54 dimm seeing 0.7", fwhm on images ~0.7-0.8"
- 7:18 dofpia
- 7:21 sending UGC8760_3, two exposure on the red side are elongated, we will take two more
- 7:50 dofpia
- 7:5 sending UGC8760_3, for two exposure only
08:01 slewing to Annibali R44
- 8:03 dofpia
- 8:08 sending science NGC6789_3
- 8:38 dimm seeing 0.9"
- 8:39 the idea was to switch to LUCI, but there is a problem of connection with LUCI1, we stay with LBC
08:41 slewing to Prandoni, TGSSJ1530
- 8:45 dofpia, problem with dofpia, LBC B and R not autorized but they are, we solve the problem changing account, we send dofpia from the lbto account
- 8:58 starting science TGSSJ1530_g_i_1
- 9:05 fwhm 0.7-1.0" on images, dimm seeing 0.7"
- 9:20 no more space on obs2 we move the observations to obs3, no problem for the observations that keep running
- 9:53 dofpia
- 09:58 osa restart the software because red tracker was in a bad state, problem solved
- 10:03 sending TGSSJ1530_g_i_2
- 10:14 obs stopped target too low in elevation
10:14 slewing to Rossi
- 10:16 dofpia
- 10:21 starting science grb180908b_LBCbr_r+z.xml
- 10:25 dimm seeing 0.7"
- 10:50 dofpia
- 10:53 sending again the script, it is still dark
11:30 starting sky flats r; i
- r; i
- 11:44 trying r; z flat, goo counts also *