INAF queue observing, 2019 May 29-30
Observer: F. Cusano
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
At the sunset the sky is clear.
Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 3:23 - 11:11 UT =
7 h 48m
Observing time:
7h 48min (100%)
Weather time loss:
0h min (0%)
technical time loss
0h *min (0%)
Data Summary
01:08 running mods calibration for Nascimbeni program; counts are too high, we do again the script using the OT
mods1r.0002-0008, mods1b.0002-0007; mods2r.0002-0008,mods2b.0002-0010
do not use
- 01:21* running again calibration for Nascimbeni, still high counts we do manualy the slits are wide
1:38 starting again flats,
mods1r.0009-0014, mods1b.0008-0013; mods2r.0009-0014,mods2b.0011-0016
good flats
2:02 starting arc lamp
mods1r.0015-0017, mods1b.0014-0016; mods2r.0015-0017,mods2b.0017-0019
arcs with narrow slits mask
2:18 bias 8k
mods1r.0018-0022, mods1b.0017-0021; mods2r.0018-0022,mods2b.0020-0024
2:29 the to is opening the dome
3:00 slewing to Nascimbeni Kelt18
- acq
mods1r.0023-25; mods2r.0023-25
- dimm seeing 0.8" at 3:03
- 3:19 starting spec
mods1r.0026-160, mods1b.0022-0126; mods2r.0026-0181,mods2b.0025-0136
- 3:21 max counts below saturation (max~42k)
- 4:13 dimm seeing 1"
- 5:17 dimm seeing 0.8"
- mods1r sometime is hanging before reading out, so there will be more mods2r data than mods1r
- 7:35 dimm seeing 0.7"
- 9:02 dimm seeing 1"
- 10:19 stop the integration transtit completed
10:20 moving to standard star BD+2842
- acq
mods1r.0161-0163; mods2r.0182-0184
- spec
mods1r.0164-0166, mods1b.0127-0129; mods2r.0185-0187,mods2b.0137-0139
12:15 slitless flat dual grating
mods1r.0181-0185, mods1b.0139-0148
mods2r.0202-0206, mods2b.0149-0158