INAF queue observing, 2019 May 1-2
Observer: F. Cusano, A. Gargiulo
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez-Huerta
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
At the sunset the sky is covered by cirrus, we cannot use LBC.
We cannot use MODS since it is dimissed.
Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 3:00 - 11:35 UT =
8 h 35m
Observing time: 5*h* 48*min*
Weather time loss: 0*h* 0*min*
technical time loss 2*h 45*min*
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
Calibrations |
dark for Marziani |
Cresci |
HIP62745 |
G200-HK |
luci1.0014-0017 luci2.0014-0017 |
Cresci |
PSO-J183 |
G200-HK |
2.16/2h |
luci1.0023-0048 luci2.0023-0048 |
completed |
Cresci |
PSO-J183 |
K ima |
completed |
Annibali |
R37 |
LBC-B only |
g, r |
0.66(g)-0.5(r)/1h |
LBC-R not in use for panic on right side primary |
Annibali |
R44 |
LBC-B only |
g, r |
0.5(g)-0.33(r)/0.7h |
LBC-R not in use for panic on right side primary don't use lbcb.20190502.112645.fits |
Calibrations |
flat for Annibali (r band on LBC-blue) |
LBC-Blue |
Calibrations |
flat e arc for Cresci PSOJ183 - spec |
Calibrations |
dark and flat for Cresci PSOJ183 - ima |
- dark for Marziani
02:31 seeing on 1.1"
02:38 we slew to Cresci's Telluric HIP62745
- acq
- 02:48 seeing on dimm 0.86"
- sci
02:49 we slew to Cresci's target PSO-J183 - SPECTRA
- guide star has a close companion. We change the guide star
- 02:55 we send the script again
- acq
- 03:04 seeing on dimm 0.71"
- 03:09 some cirrus
- 03:22 seeing on dimm 0.84"
- 03:35 seeing on dimm 0.65"
- 04:02 seeing on dimm 0.89"
- 04:21 seeing on dimm 0.7"
- sci
04:27 we slew to Cresci's target PSO-J183 - IMAGING
- 04:30 mos error
- 04:44 we send the script again
- 04:50 seeing 0.7"
- 04:55 we align the camera N3.75
04:58 we slew to Bianchi's target Mrk1303 (LUCI/ESM)
- 04:49 seeing on dimm
- 05.14 loop closed, we send the script
- 05:18 cannot find AOref star
- 05:26 seeing on dimm 0.68"
- 05:33 loop opens plus AO ref star issues. We decide to switch to LBC
- 05:53 LBC is configured but mirror panic on dx
- 08:00 we decide to use just LBC blue.
08:07 we slew to Annibali R37 (LBC Blue only)
- 08:09 we send the script UGC_8638_1 (g band)
- 08:11 dofpia, /Blueonly
- NOTA: the LBC control system shows some glitch
- 08:17 starting integration UGC_8638_1 (g band)
- 08:18 seeing 0.9"
- 08:46 dofpia, /Blueonly
- 08:50 starting integration UGC_8638_1 (r band)
- 08:57 fwhm on red images 0.7"
- 09:16 starting integration UGC_8638_2 (g band)
- 09:24 fwhm on red images 0.9"
- 09:31 dofpia
- 09:39 starting integration UGC_8638_2 (g band)
- 09:53 dofpia
- 09:55 starting integration UGC_8638_2 (r band)
- 10:07 fwhm on images 1.2"
- we change target: the airmass is too high and the seeing is getting worse
10:10 we slew to Annibali R44
- 10:12 dofpia
- 10:16 starting integration NGC6789_1 (g band)
- 10:21 fwhm on images 1.0"
- 10:35 fwhm on images 1.0"
- 10:43 starting integration NGC6789_1 (r band)
- 11:11 dofpia
- 11:12 starting integration NGC6789_2 (g band)
- we stop because the sky background is raising. do not use the last image lbcb.20190502.112645.fits
- Flat for Annibali: r-band on LBC-B
- Arc and Flat for Cresci PSOJ183 - spec
- Dark and Flat-ima for Cresci PSOJ183 - ima