INAF queue observing, 2019 March 05 - March 06

Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg (on call)
Instrument: MODS1,2


At the sunset the sky is partially cloudy

Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 2:00- 7:30 UT = 5 h 30m, night shared with TSIP.

Observing time: 5h 30m (%)

Weather time loss: 0h 0m (%)

technical time loss 0h m (%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Antoniucci Ves691 MODS1,2 dual grating 10m+10m mods1r.0006-0009,mods1b.0002-0005, mods2r.0005-0008, mods2b.0002-0005 completed
standard star G191 MODS1,2 dual, red grating mods1r,0012-0014, mods1b.0006-0008, mods2r.0012=0014, mods2b.0006-0008, mods1r.0015-0017, mosd2r.0015-0017    
Moretti A7 FKJ1004 MODS1,2 red grating (1h+1h)/2 mods1r.0023-0025, mods2r.0024-0026 completed
Grazian E COSMOS 2189 MODS1,2 dual grating (2h+2h)/7h mods1r.0029-0036 , mods1b.0009-0016, mods2r.0030-0037 , mods2b.0009-0016 in MODS2 some spectra overlap, good only 2h/7h (more ore less) check


01:50 Antoniucci's program, Ves691
  • acq mods1r.20190306.0002-20190306.0005, mods2r.20190306.0002-20190306.0004
  • 02:00 sci mods1r.0006-0009,mods1b.0002-0005, mods2r.0005-0008, mods2b.0002-0005
  • dimm seeing 1.0", extintion less than 0.1 mag

02:20 standard star G191
  • acq mods1r.0010-0011, mods2r.009-0011
  • sci dual grating mods1r.0012-0014, mods1b.0006-0008, mods2r.0012=0014, mods2b.0006-0008
  • dimm seeing 0.9, extintion 0.5 mag due to clouds
  • in the second and third images there isn't extintion
  • 02:42 sci red grating mods1r.0015-0017, mosd2r.0015-0017

02:53 Antoniucci's target IRAS05
  • acq mods1r.0018-0019, mods2r.0018-0020 the target is not visible, we can not acquire.

03:10 slew to Moretti's Program, target A7 FKJ1004
  • acq mods1r.0020-0022, mods2r.0021-0022
  • sci mods1r.0023-0025, mods2r.0024-0026
  • dimm seeing 0.7"
  • 03:34 some clouds pass, extintion 0.5 mag
  • 03:55 seeing 0.8" extinction <0.2 mag
  • 04:10 seeing 0.7" no extinction
  • 04:30 dimm seeing 0.85", extintion 0.3 mag

04:37 slew to Grazian E
  • acq mods1r.0026-28, mods2r.0027-29
  • 04:49 sci dual grating mods1r.0029-0030 , mods1b.0009-0010, mods2r.0030-0031 , mods2b.0009-0010
  • 04:50 seeing 0.7" and clear
  • we note that in MODS2 some spectra overlap
  • 05:12 seeing 0.8" and clear

05:30 send the second ob mods1r.0031-0032 , mods1b.0011-0012, mods2r.0032-0033 , mods2b.0011-0012
  • seeing 0.8", clear
  • 05:42 dimm seeing 0.9"-1.0", some clouds are passing, extintion up to 1 mag
  • 06:00 dimm seeing 1.0"-1.1", fwhm 0.8"

06:08 send the third ob mods1r.0033-0034 , mods1b.0013-0014, mods2r.0034-0035, mods2b.0013-0014
  • dimm seeing 0.9"-1.0", extintion 1.5 mag
  • 06:15 the sky is clearer, extintion variable between 0.5 mag and 1 mag. seeing 1.0"-1.1", fwhm 0.8"-0.9"
  • 06:27 seeing 0.8" some cirrus passing 0.5 mag extinction

06:44 send the 4th ob mods1r.0035-0036 , mods1b.0015-0016, mods2r.0036-0037, mods2b.0015-0016
  • dimm seeing 1.00", extintion about 0
  • 06:54 clouds come back, extintion 1 mag, fwhm 1.1
  • 06:56 the sky is almost covered, extintion variable between 0 and 3 mag
  • 07:13 the sky is clearer, extintion about 0, dimm fwhm 1.1"
  • 07:17 clouds come back, extintion 2 mag
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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