INAF queue observing, 2019 March 04 - March 05
Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: J. Williams
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg (on call)
Instrument: MODS1,2
At the sun set the sky is partially cloudy
Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 2:00- 7:30 UT =
5 h 30m, night shared with TSIP.
Observing time:
5h 30m (%)
Weather time loss:
h 0m (%)
technical time loss
0h m (%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
std star |
GD71 |
MODS1,2 |
dual and red grating |
Prandoni |
USS-1 |
MODS1,2 |
red grating |
(1h 50m + 1h 50m)/4h |
mods1r.0014, mods1r.0018-0022 ; mods2r.0014, mods2r.0018-0022 |
completed |
Gilli |
mask 49 |
MODS1,2 |
dual grating |
(1h20m+1h 20m)/4h |
mods1r.0026-0029, mods1b.0005-0008 ; mods2r.0027-0030 , mods2b.0005-0008 |
completed |
02:00 start with the standard star, GD71
- acq
mods1r.0002-0003; mods2r.0002-0003;
- 02:07 sci, dual grating
; mods2r.0004-0006, mods2b.0002-0004
- fwhm 1.0-1.1"
- 02:24 sci, red grating
mods1r.0007-0009; mods2r.0007-0009
- dimm seeing 1.14", fwhm 1.0"-1.2"
02:53 slew to Prandoni USS1, DIMM seeing 1", few cirrus passing
- acq
mods1r.0010-013; mods2r.0010-0013;
- 03:25 sci, red grating
; mods2r.0014
stop after 600s, we realize the target and ref2 are too close border
- seeing 0.9"
- acq
mods1r.0015-0017; mods2r.0015-0017;
we align again with y -19
- 03:47 sci execBinomods USS1_ls_1red.obs
mods1r.0018-0020; mods2r.0018-0020
- 03:50 seeing 0.9", less than 0.1 extinction
- 04:13 some clouds are passing, extintion about 0.5 mag, dimm seeing 0.9"-1.0"
- 04:38 seeing increased, dimm abour 1.1"-1.2", extintion less than 0.1 mag
- 04:43 dimm seeing variable between 0.9"-1.1"
- 04:56 execBinoMODS USS1_ls_2red.obs
mods1r.0021-0022; mods2r.0021-0022
dimm seeing about 1.0"
- 05:03 seeing variable between 0.9"-1.0"
- 05:11 seeing jump to 1.2"and decreases to 1.0"
- 05:25 seeing 1.1"-1.2"
05:40 slew to Gilli's program mask 49
- acq
mods1r.0023-025; mods2r.0023-0026;
- 06:01 sci
mods1r.0026-0029, mods1b.0005-0008
; mods2r.0027-0030 , mods2b.0005-0008
- 06:03 seeing 1.2-1.3" , circa 0.2 mag extintion
- 06:23 dimm seeing about 1.0", no extintion
- 06:34 dimm seeing jump to 1.4", fwhm 1.0"
- 06:45 dimm seeing 1.3", fwhm 1.2"
- 06:54 dimm seeing 1.2"fwhm 1.0"-1.1"