RobertaCarini - 04 Mar 2019
INAF queue observing, 2019 March 03 - March 04
Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: J. Williams
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: LBC, MODS1,2
At the sun set the sky is mostly clear
Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 2:00- 13:00 UT =
11 h 00m
Observing time:
7h 15m (66%)
Weather time loss:
3h 30m (32%)
technical time loss
0h 15m (2%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
Phot Standard |
SA98 |
Vrg(blue), Izr(red) |
De Carli |
J0842p1218 |
r(blue), z (red) |
53m |
53/60 images each channel |
Venemans |
P135p16 |
r (blue) z,i(red) |
1.8h |
completed but bad seeing |
De Carli |
J0842p1218 |
r(blue), z (red) |
53m |
53/60 images each channel |
De Carli |
J0842p1218 |
r(blue), z (red) |
7m |
7 images each channel |
std star |
Feige 34 |
MODS1,2 |
dual and red grating |
LBC bias |
02:00 start wiht the photometric standard SA98
- send the preset
- dohybrid
- 02:09 run SA98_Vrg_Izr.ob
- 02:20 during the last images lost the controll of the elevation drive
02:36 slew to De carli's target
- send preset
- 02:38 dofpia, /X2
- 02:44 run copointing.ob
- 02:48 run the scientific ob
- seeing 2.2" due to wind gusts (speed >10m/s)
- 03:11 seeing 2.2", extintion 0.2-0.5 mag
- 03:25 seeing 1.8"
- 03:40 seeinf 1.8, extintion 0.3 mag
- 03:42 dofpia
- 03:47 run the science ob
- 03:58 seein 1.6" extintion about 0.3"
- taken 23/30 images each channel
04:20 slew to Venemans' target P135p16
- dofpia
- 04:36 copointing
- 04:40 run P135p16_zband.ob, seeing 2.0", sky clear (extintion 0 mag)
- 05:10 seeing 2.5" extintion circa 0.5 mag (bad seeing due to thw wind)
- 05:27 seeing 2.2"
- 05:55 seeing 2.1" about 0.5 mag extinction
- seeing 1.9"
- 06:15 dofpia
- 06:20 run P135p16_iband.ob
- 06:52 seeing 2.3" and extintion increasesd
- 07:27 seeing 1.4"
07:30 come back to De Carli's program
- dofpia
- 07:40 copointing
- run science ob
07:58 switch to MODS
08:21 send the presete for the standard star Feige 34, collimation
08:37 acqBinoMODS Feige34_Acq.txt
- 08:43 sci
, mods2r.20190304.0004-0006, mods2b.0002-0004
dual grating, clouds are coming
red grating
09:09 TO unwraps the telescope.
09:13 Gilli's program, mask 36 the target is in the middle of the clouds, it is impossible find the guide star.
09:18 too many clouds on the sky, we wait
09:22 we send again the acq script, the sky is clearer
mods1r.0010-0012, mods2r.0010-0012
- dimm seeing , fwhm 1.8", extintion 1-2 mag, speed wind is increasing
- At these coordinates (S-E) there are too many clouds and the targ is in front of the wind, we abort.
09:44 we try the target USS1 of
PrandOni program beacuese it is in the North. there are too clouds also here, we can not guide
10:10 TO closes the dome
11:00 TO opens the dome
11:14 send the preset for the target of Moretti, FKJ1344, but it is impossible to guide, the guide staris about 15 mag and we can not change it due to pivot.
11:20 we try with the target of Prandoni, the guide star is about 14 mag.
- it is impossibile to align, to many clouds
11:54 sky complitely cloudy. WE CLOSE
LBC bias