RobertaCarini - 03 Mar 2019
INAF queue observing, 2019 March 02 - March 03
Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: J. Williams
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: MODS1,2
At the sun set the sky is covered, wind seep 19.9 m/s,we are closed
02:20 humidity 100%, temperature at dew point, wind gusts to 26 m/s
Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 2:00- 13:00 UT =
11 h 00m
Observing time:
0h (0%)
Weather time loss:
11h 0m (100%)
technical time loss
0h m (0%)
Data Summary
- Gilli mask 47
mods1r.20190303.0002-0010, mods1b.20190303.0002-0010
, mods2r.20190303.0002-0010, mods2b20190303.0002-0010
- Gilli mask 48
mods1r.20190303.0011-0019, mods1b.20190303.0011-0019
, mods2r.20190303.0011-0019, mods2b20190303.0011-0019
- Grazian A
mods1r.20190303.0020-0028, mods1b.20190303.0020-0028
, mods2r.20190303.0020-0028, mods2b20190303.0020-0028
- Grazian D
mods1r.20190303.0029-0037, mods1b.20190303.0029-0037
, mods2r.20190303.0029-0037, mods2b20190303.0029-0037
02:00 TO says too much ice on the building, no way to open.