RobertaCarini - 01 Mar 2019
INAF queue observing, 2019 March 01 - March 02
Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: J. Williams
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson (on call)
Instrument: MODS1,2
At the sun set the sky is mostly cloudy
Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 2:00- 13:00 UT =
11 h 00m
Observing time:
5h 30min (50%)
Weather time loss:
5h 30m (50%)
technical time loss
h m (%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
calibration |
flat, arc |
MODS1,2 |
red grating, slit 1.0" (flat), slitless, slit 0.6"(arc) |
standard star |
GD71 |
MODS1,2 |
dual and red grating |
Antoniucci |
Ves691 |
MODs1,2 |
dual grating, slit 0.8" |
16 m |
mods1r.0029-0031,mods1b.0007-0009 mods2.0029-0032, mods2b.0007-0010 |
miss just one exposure,extintion 1-2mag, maybe to be repeated |
Moretti A3 |
FKJ0954 |
MODS1,2 |
red grating, slit 1.0" |
(1.6h+1.6h)/ |
mods1r.0036-0040, mods2r.0036-0040 |
taken a couple of spectra more than required due to extinsion |
Gilli |
mask 49 |
MOD1,2 |
dual grating, MOS |
2h/4h good |
mods1r.0044-0048,mods1b.0010-0014 mods2.0044-0048, mods2b.0011-0015 |
slits overlap in MODS2, only the firt 3 couple of spectra are good |
Calibration |
flat, arc :Gilli mask49,standard star, Antoniucci, Prandoni, Grazian E |
MODS1,2 |
dual and red grating |
Calibration MODS
- Moretti, flat (slit 1.0") red grating
mods1r.20190302.0005-0009, mods2r.20190302.0014
slitless red grating
- Moretti, arc red grating
mods1r.0010-0012, mods2r.0015-0017
- slitless flat red grating MODS1
01:57 we start with the standard star GD71. the sky is mostly cloudy
- acq
modsr.0018, mods2r.0018-0019
- sci dual grating
mods1r.0020-0022, mods1b.0004-0006
, mods2r.0020-0022, mods2b.0004-0006
extintion about 1 mag, dimm seeing 1.5"
- sci red grating
mods1r.0023-0025, mods2r.0023-0025
dimm seeing 1.6", fwhm 1.0"-1.2"
- 02:36 mods1r stuck for two minutes before readout
02:40 lsew to Antoniucci Program, target Ves691
- acq
mods1r.0026-0028, mods2.0026-0028
- sci
mods2.0029-0032, mods2b.0007-0010
extintion 1-2 mag, fwhm 1.5" we stop the integration before the end of the script because the target is tool low.
03:11 slew to Moretti's program, target A3 FKJ0954
- acq
mods1r.0032-0035, mods2r.0033-0035
dimm seeing 1.0", extintion 1 mag
- 03:32 sci
mods1r.0036-0039, mods2r.0036-0039
- 03:40 extintion 2 mag, dimm seeing 1.3", fwhm 1.1"
- 03:50 extintion 1.5, dimm seeing 0.9"-1.0", fwhm 0.9"-1.0"
- 04:13 extintion 0.5 mag, dimm seeing 1.32", fwhm 0.9"
- 04:56 extintion 05-0.6 mag, dimm seeing and fwhm 0.8"
- 05:01 we take another image due the extintion
mods1r.0040, mods2r.0040
- 05:10 extintion 1.5mag , fwhm 0.9"
05:23 slew to Gilli's program, mask 49
- acq
mods1r.0041-0043, mods2r.0041-0043
- seeing 0.8" <0.5 mag extinction
- 05:35 sci
mods2.0044-0048, mods2b.0011-0015
- 05:42 seeing 0.9" , extinction <0.1mag
- note that slits overlap in MODS2 !
- 06:02 seeing 1.1" , extinction ~0.5mag
- 06:27 seeing 0.8" , extinction <0.2mag
- 06:40 extintion 1-1.5 mag, dimm seeing 1.0", fwhm 0.6"
mods1r.0047, mods1b.0013
, mods2r.0047, mods2b0014
are not good
- 07:10 extintion higher then 2 mag, the sky is complitely covered. guiding lost
mods1r.0048, mods1b.0015
, mods2r.0048, mods2b0015
are not good
- 07:27 we stop the integration. 3/5 images are good
07:39 TO closes the dome
Gilli flat and arc mask 49
mods1r.0049, mods1b.0015-0016
, ==mods2r.0049-0051, mods2b.0016-0017==saturated, the script is not correct!!!
mods1r.0052-0060, mods1b.0018-0026
. mods2r.0052-0060, mods2b.0019-0026
- Antoniucci*
- flat dual grating slit 0.8"
mods1r.0061-0066, mods1b.0027-0032
. mods2r.0061-0066, mods2b.0027-0032
- arc dual grating
mods1r.0067-0069, mods1b.0033-0035
, mods2r.0067-0069, mods2b.0033-0035
- flat standard star red grating
mods1r.0070-0072, mods2r.0070-0072
- flat standard star dual grating
, mods2r.0073-0075, mods1.0036-0041
- flat red grating slit 2.4"
mods1r.0076-0081, mods2r.0076-0081
- mask E, flat and arc
, mods2r.0082-0090, mods1.0042-0050