INAF queue observing, 2019 February 28 - March 01

Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: J. Williams
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: MODS1,2


At the sun set the sky is clear

Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 2:00- 13:00 UT = 11 h 00m

Observing time: 11h (100%)

Weather time loss: 0h m (0%)

technical time loss 0h m (0%)

Data Summary

Project_RUN Objects Instrument Configuration ExpTime /Time_tot Images Notes
Calibration dark Gilli, Nardini, Severgnini LUCI1,2
Calibration bias, slitless flat MODS1,2 dual grating (both), red grating (MODS2)
standard gd71 MODS1,2 dual and red grating   mods1r.0004-0006, mods1b.0001-0003, mods2r.0004-0006, mods2b.0001-0003, mods1r.0007-0009, mods2r.0007-0009    
Moretti A5 FKJ0640 MODS1,2 red grating 1.3h+1.3h mods1r.0014-0017, mods2r.0013-0016 seeing variable, completed
Gilli 45 MODS1,2 dual grating 1.3h+1.3h/2h+2h mods1r.0021-0024, mods1b.0004-0007 , mods2r.0020-0023, mods2b.0004-0007 overlap between slits in MODS2, passing cirrus, we took some image more, last 2 are ok. completed
Gilli 36 MODS1,2 dual grating 2.6h+2.6h/2h+2h mods1r.0028-0035, mods1b.0008-0015 , mods2r.0027-0034, mods2b.0008-0015 some slits touch each other in MODS2, exposure 1,2,5 good seeing <0.2mag extinction, 4,6,8 bad due to high extinction, 3,7 0.5mag extinction, count only 1.3+1.3 hours
Moretti A1 FKJ1122+44 MODS1,2 red grating 0.7/1.8h mods1r.0039-0041, mods2r.0037-0039 lost guiding during 1st image, last 2 with some extinction, completed
Moretti A8 FKJ1344+13 MODS1,2 red grating 1.8/1.8h but... * sci mods1r.0046-0048, mods2r.0043-0045 all with ~0.5mag extinction, need 1 more please
standard Hz44 MODS1,2 dual and red grating        
Calibration flat+ arc Gilli mask45 mask36 MODS1,2 dual grating      


LUCI1,2 Calibrations

  • =luci1.20190301.0033-0037, luci2.20190301.0001-0005 200.0DITx5NDIT LIR NORM
  • =luci1.20190301.0038-0042, luci2.20190301.0006-0010 2.8DITx5NDIT LIR INT

  • =luci1.20190301.0043-0047 115DITx1NDIT MER NORM
  • =luci1.20190301.0048-0052 6.0DITx3NDIT LIR INT

  • =luci2.20190301.0011-0015 5.0DITx12NDIT LIR INT for A4, A5 ,A6,
  • =luci2.20190301.0016-0020 2.8DITx24NDIT LIR INT for A1 SDSS J085512

MODS,2 Calibrations BIAS
  • mods1r.20190228.0001-0005, mods1b.20190228.0001-0005 MODS1 stuck, we start again
  • mods1r.20190228.0006-0025, mods1b.20190228.0006-0025
  • mods2r.20190228.0001-0020, mods2b.20190228.0001-0020

slitless flat dual grating
  • mods1r.0026-0030, mods1b.0026-0035
  • mods2r.0021-0025, mods2.0021-0030

  • slitless flat red grating*
  • mods2r.0026-0030

02:20 start with the standard star GD71
  • acq mods1r.20190301.0001-0003 mods2r.20190301.0001-0003 dimm seeing 1.5", fwhm 1.0"
  • 02:29 sci dual grating mods1r.0004-0006, mods1b.0001-0003 mods2r.0004-0006, mods2b.0001-0003 dimm seeing 1.2"-1.3", fwhm 0.8"-1.2"
  • 02:42 sci red grating mods1r.0007-0009 mods2r.0007-0009 dimm seeing 0.8"

02:58 slew to Moretti's program, target A5
  • acq mods1r.0010-0013, mods2r.0010-0012 dimm seeing 1.2"
  • 03:20 sci mods1r.0014-0017, mods2r.0013-0016 dimm seeing 1.3"-1.4", fwhm 1.0"-1.2" some cirrus are passing (0.2 mag extinsion)
  • 03:26 dimm seeing 1.1"-1.2"
  • 03:39 dimm seeing and fwhm 1.1"
  • 04:08 dimm seeign 1.3"-1.4" with peaks to 1.6"
  • seeing variable, mean seeing about 1.2"-1.3"
  • since the seeing is variable and out of constraints, we take another image in both MODS,
  • 04:40 dimm seeing 1.1"-1.2"

04:52 slew to Gilli 45
  • acq mods1r.0018-0020, mods2r.0017-0019
  • 05:14 sci mods1r.0021-0024, mods1b.0004-0007 , mods2r.0020-0023, mods2b.0004-0007 seeing jumped to 1.4"on DIMM, passimg cirrus, ~1mag of extinction

05:50 the seeing was bad (about 1.4"-1.6") and the sky prtially covered (extintion about 0.5 mag), we take another image with both MODS
  • seeing 1.2" but there are some clouds
  • seeing 1.0" but there are some clouds at 06:05, 0.5 mag extinction
  • 06:10 We take another image because of the not good seeing and cirrus
  • 06:14 seeing 1.1" and no cirrus
  • 06:21 seeing 1.0"-1.2" but the extintion is only 0.1 mag

07:00 slew to Gilli 36 seeing 1.1
  • acq mods1r.0025-0027, mods2r.0024-0026
  • 07:14 sci mods1r.0028-0035, mods1b.0008-0015 , mods2r.0027-0034, mods2b.0008-0015
  • 07:17 seeing 1" , no cirrus
  • 07:26 seeing 1.3" , no cirrus
  • 07:34 seeing jumping 1.2-1.6" , some cirrus 0.2 mag extinction
  • we notice that some slits touch each other in mods2
  • 07:42 seeing jumping 1.2-1.6", no cirrus
  • 07:50 seeing 1.1-1.2" , no cirrus
  • 08:00 seeing jump to 1.6" , no cirrus
  • 08:06 seeing jump to 1.-1.1 , passing cirrus, 0.5 mag extinction
  • 08:15 seeing jump to 1.-1.3 , passing cirrus, 0.5 mag extinction
  • 08:20 lost guiding, but recovered. seeing jump to 1.6 , 1.5-2 mag extinction. This 4th exposure is probably useless
  • 08:36 seeing 1.1, 0.5 mag extinction
  • 08:43 seeing 1.2, no cirrus
  • 08:50 quick jump to 1.5", passing cirrus 0.5 mag extinction
  • 08:55 seeing 1.1, 0.2 mag extinction.0.5 mag last 2 minutes of 5th exposure
  • 09:01 seeing 1.1, 1 mag extinction
  • 09:05 seeing 1.0, 0.5 mag extinction
  • 09:15 seeing 1.5, 1 mag extinction

09:32 start script again to get more photons, seeing 1.0-1.2, 0.5 mag extinction
  • 09:50 seeing 1.2, 0.5 mag extinction
  • 10:05 seeing 0.9, 0.5 mag extinction
  • 10:18 guiding lost, we abort. also very low

10:20 Slew to Moretti A1 red only, seeing 1, no cirrus
  • acq mods1r.0036-0038, mods2r.0035-0036
  • sci mods1r.0039-0041, mods2r.0037-0039
  • 10:55 seeing 1.2-1.3, first 300 sec lost guiding on 13.7 mag star!
  • 11:03 lost guiding star again
  • 11:11 seeing 0.9" 0.5 mag ext
  • 11:24 seeing 0.9" 0.5 mag ext

11:27 Slew to Moretti A8 red only, seeing 1, some cirrus
  • acq mods1r.0042-0045, mods2r.0040-0042
  • sci mods1r.0046-0048, mods2r.0043-0045
  • 11:39 seeing 1.3"
  • 11:41 seeing 0.9" 0.5 mag ext
  • 12:00 seeing 1.1-1.5 0.5 mag ext
  • 12:20 seeing 1.2 0.2 mag ext
  • 12:37-12:40 no guiding, >1mag extinction
  • 12:42 guide lost for ever

12:44 Slew to standard Hz44, note: a lot of cirrus!
  • acq mods1r.0049-0050, mods2r.0046-0048
  • 12:53 dual mods1r.0051-0053, mods1b.0016-0018 , mods2r.0048-0051, mods2b.0016-0018 0.5-1 mag extinction, seeing 1"
  • 13:10 red mods1r.0054-0056 , mods2r.0052-0054 0.2-0.5 mag extinction, seeing 1" few cirrus.
  • mods1r stucks for 1-2 minutes before readout

  • Gilli mask45 mods1r.0057-0065, mods1b.0019-0027, mods2r.0055-0063, mods2b.0019-0027
  • Gilli mask36 mods1r.0066-0075, mods1b.0028-, mods2r.0064-0072, mods2b.0028-0036
Topic revision: r1 - 31 Jul 2024, UnknownUser
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