INAF queue observing, 2019 January 30-31
Observer: F. Cusano, A. Giunta
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzalez-Huerta
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn (on call)
At the sun set clouds, we stay closed. Opening at 3:30
Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 2:00- 13:10 UT =
11 h 10m
Observing time:
7h 50min (70%)
Weather time loss:
3h 20m (30%)
technical time loss
0h m *(0%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
Standard |
GD191 |
MODS1-2 |
red grating |
DeCarli |
field |
MODS1-2 |
red prism |
0.75h/7.5h |
mods1r.20190131.0011-12 ; mods2r.20190131.0013-14 |
offset 6 |
Gilli |
mask33 |
MODS1-2 |
dual grating |
4h/4h |
mods1r.20190131.0019-24,mods1b.20190131.0004-9 ; mods2r.20190131.0021-26,mods2b.20190131.0004-9 |
images 1r17-18,1b2-3 ; 2r19-20, 1b2-3 affected by clouds / image 2r23 not good for elettronic problem completed |
Gilli |
mask45 |
MODS1-2 |
dual grating |
2h/4h |
mods1r.20190131.0028-30, mods1b.20190131.0010-12 ; mods2r.20190131.0030-32, mods2b.20190131.0010-12 |
Moretti |
A1 |
MODS1-2 |
red grating |
1.2h/1.8h |
mods1r.20190131.0034-36 ; mods2r.20190131.0036-38 |
last exposure 1r36 and 2r38 in twilight do not use |
Calibration |
flat,arc,dark |
MODS1-2 |
dual grating |
Gilli mask 33, 45 |
3:30 the to opens the dome, the sky is clear now
3:42 slewing to standard GD191
- acq
mods1r.20190131.0002-3, mods2r.20190131.0004-5
- 3:46 dimm seeing 2"
- sci
mods1r.20190131.0004-6, mods2r.20190131.0006-8
red grating
- 3:55 dimm seeing 1.5"
4:02 slewing to
DeCarli field
- acq
mods1r.20190131.0007-9, mods2r.20190131.0009-11
- 4:04 left side did not find guide star, check pointing, problem solved at 4:09
- 4:12 seeing improving dimm seeing 1.3", fwhm on guider 1.1"
- 4:21: dimm seeing 1.1"
- sci
; mods2r.20190131.0013-14
- 4:39 dimm seeing 1.2"
- waiting to send the 7th offset, clouds, offset 6 is fine
6:50 the sky looks good now, the to opens the dome
6:55 slewing to Gilli program, mask 33
- acq
; mods2r.20190131.0015-18
- stop for collimation at 6:58, sending again the script 7:07
- seeing 1.1" at 7:14
- 7:20 some clouds coming in, we wait before sending the spec script
- 7:29 sending spec script, clouds are gone
- 7:32 fwhm on guider 0.8"
- 7:34 variation of the guide star flux in the first exposures, some cirrus, check first exposures n. 1r17,1b2, 2r19, 1b2 , but we see some spectra
- 7:51 dimm seeing 1.1", fwhm on guider 1", some clouds, but the flux of the guide star now is fine
- 8:08 clouds again coming in guide star dimming by 2 mag, also second exposure affected by clouds, 8:15 we wait a bit, from the satellite it looks clear
mods1r.20190131.0017-18, mods1b.20190131.0002-3
; mods2r.20190131.0019-20, mods2b.20190131.0002-3
affected by clouds but we see some spectra
- 8:27 starting again integration, guide star is ok, dimm seeing 1.1", fwhm on guider 0.9"
- 8:36 guide star ok, dimm seeing 1.1", no clouds
mods1r.20190131.0019-24, mods1b.20190131.0004-9
; mods2r.20190131.0021-26, mods2b.20190131.0004-9
- 9:10 seeing 1"
- 9:42 image 23 in red channel of mods2 looks strange, mods2r.20190131.0023.fits not good do not use
- 9:57 image mods2r24 is ok
- 10:03 dimm seeing 0.9"
- 10:25 seeing 0.9", no clouds
10:45 slewing to Gilli program, mask 45
- acq
; mods2r.20190131.0027-29
- 10:54 dimm seeing 0.9", fwhm 0.8" on guider, no clouds
- sci
mods1r.20190131.0028-30, mods1b.20190131.0010-12
; mods2r.20190131.0030-32, mods2b.20190131.0010-12
- 11:50 dimm seeing 1.2"
12:14 slewing to Moretti A1
- acq
; mods2r.20190131.0033-35
red channel of mods2 has some weird path in the upper part of image 34 and 35, the target is in the central slit and the spectra should be not effected by this strange pathern, we keep going with science
- sci
; mods2r.20190131.0036-38
- 12:41 dimm seeing 1.1" no clouds
- 12:43 confirm spectra in the red channel is good, the strange shape in mods 2 red is in the upper right quadrant and does not affect the spectra of the target
14:10 starting MODS calibration Gilli mask 33 and 45
mods1r.20190131.0037-41, mods1b.20190131.0013-17
Slitless dual grating
mods1r.20190131.0042-46, mods1b.20190131.0018-27
SlitFlat _Arc (Gilli 33)
mods1r.20190131.0047-55, mods1b.20190131.0028-36