INAF queue observing, 2019 January 28-29
Observer: F. Cusano, A. Giunta
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn (on call)
Clouds all around the mountaing,but at the beginning of the night the sky is clear, we start with MODS. Clouds from 5:00, we stop observation at 6
Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 2:00- 13:10 UT =
11 h 10m
Observing time:
3h 50min (35%)
Weather time loss:
7h m (62%)
technical time loss
h 20m *(3%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
Calibration |
Gilli |
MODS 1-2 |
dual grating |
mask31 |
Moretti |
A6 |
red grating |
0.3h/1.6h |
completed |
Antoniucci |
Iras 02 |
dual grating |
DeCarli |
field |
red prism |
offset4,5 some clouds during exposure of 5 |
Calibration |
dark, flat |
dark, flat for Pinna AO |
Calibration |
slit flat |
MODS1-2 |
dual grating |
for Rossi slit 1.2 |
Calibration |
MODS1-2 |
Calibration |
LUCI1-2 |
see end of the page |
00:01 starting calibration with MODS, Glli mask 31, data up to have 00:15 problem do not use them
- the problem is with the script changing it
- 00:34 sending again the script of calibration
mods1r.20190129.0002-11, mods1b.20190129.0004-12
, mods2r.20190129.000210-mods2b.20190129.0004-12
00:24 starting Dark for the program of Pinna imaging AO
1:32 starting with MODS, slewing to standard star G191
- acq
, mods2r.20190129.0011-12
- 1:35 fwhm on guider 1"
- sci
mods1r.20190129.0014-16, mods1b.20190129.0013-15
, mods2r.20190129.0013-15, mods2b.20190129.0013-15
dual grating
- 1:48 some thin cirrus and clouds, the flux of the guide star is variable
- sci
, mods2r.20190129.0016-18
red prism
2:08 slewing to Moretti A6
- acq
, mods2r.20190129.0019-21
- 2:10 no guide stat on the left side, pointing check, 2:13 problem solved sending again acquisition
- 2:20 clouds coming in guide star fainting by 0.5 mag
- sci
mods1r.20190129.0023, mods1b.20190129.0016
, mods2r.20190129.0022, mods2b.20190129.0016
- 2:36 flux of guide star back to starting value, 2:39 star fainting again, passing clouds,2:46 guide star back to normal value
2:57 slewing to Antoniucci Iras02
- acq
, mods2r.20190129.0023-25
- 2:59 still clouds, dimm seeing 1.1
- sci
mods1r.20190129.0027-30, mods1b.20190129.0016-19
, mods2r.20190129.0026-29, mods2b.20190129.0016-19
- 3:17 dimm seeing 1.4
- 3:27 dimm seeing 0.9 no clouds
3:32 slewing to the program of
- acq
, mods2r.20190129.0030-32
- 3:35 no guide star found on left side checking the pointing, 3:40 problem solved, sending again acquisition
- 3:58 dimm seeing 0.8
- 4:08 some clouds coming in, 4:16 no sky is ok
- sci
, mods2r.20190129.0034-35
starting from offset4
- sci
, mods2r.20190129.0038-39
- 4:35 clouds, guide star dimming between 0.5-1 mag, 5:01 guide star stable 0.3 mag fainter
- sci
, mods2r.20190129.0041-
offset6, 5:09 clouds more thick now, extinction of 2 mag on guide star, stop the script after first image too many clouds, also images are out sync (mods1 was at 15arcsec and mods2 at 18arcsec) for a comunication glych, so do not use these images mods1r42 and mods2r41 or be careful
5:40 slewing to Antoniucci 2massJ06
- acq =mods1r.20190129.0043-= , ==mods2r.20190129.0042-
- 5:49 guide star almost lost for clouds
- 6:00 we stop observations for clouds
7:02 starting dark for Pinna program,
- dit
0.17 subwindow 128x128 starting at 1046, 1197. =
16-20 ==
- dit =0.17 subwindow 128x128 starting at 997, 1016
flat for Pinna program
- starting flat H2 in subwindow 128x128 starting at 1046, 1197 ==
10:31 we try to open, there is an hole in the clouds, but still cirrus all around
10:50 slewing to Gilli L
- 11:50 problem with the acquisition due to filter wheel
- 11:07 problem fixed start acquisition
- acq
, luci1.20190129.0084-87
- 11:17 seeing 0.6" on guider but some clouds coming in
- sci
, luci1.20190129.0088-
- 11:30 thin clouds during the observation
- 11:41 guide star lost, observation abort, too many clouds
12:42 calibrations MODS
- flat dual grating slit 1.2" for Rossi
mods1r.20190129.0047-52; mods1b.20190129.0021-26
, mods2r.20190129.0046-51; mods2b.20190129.0021-26
- red grating arcs slit 1" for Moretti
, mods2r.20190129.0052-54
- flat red grating slit 1" for Moretti
, mods2r.20190129.0055-60
- slitless flat red grating for Moretti
, mods2r.20190129.0061-65
- flat dual grating slit 0.8" for Antoniucci
mods1r.20190129.0067-; mods1b.20190129.0027-
, mods2r.20190129.0066-71; mods2b.20190129.0027-32
13:50 LUCI calibration
- HKspec flats and arc slit 0.75"
luci1.20190129.0018-33- luci2.20190129.0094-109
- zJspec flats and arc slit 0.75"
luci1.20190129.0034-47 luci2.20190129.0110-123