INAF queue observing, 2019 January 26-27
Observer: F. Cusano, A. Giunta
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
At the sunset the sky is clear, the wind is at the limit, gusts up to 19 m/s.
A the beginning of the night conditions are not optimal for AO
Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 2:00- 13:10 UT =
11 h 10m
Observing time:
9h 40min (87%)
Weather time loss:
0h *m (%)
technical time loss
1h 30m *(13%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
Calibration |
Dark |
darks for Nardini q6,q8 |
Telluric |
HD18326 |
G200 zj+HKspec |
luci1.20190127.032-39, luci2.2019017.0007-0016 |
telluric for Iras 02 |
Antoniucci |
Iras 02 |
G200 zj+HKspec |
luci1.20190127.044-51, luci2.2019017.0021-28 |
Telluric |
HIP44027 |
G200+HKspec |
luci1.20190127.055-58, luci2.2019017.0032-35 |
telluric for Marziani |
Marziani |
J085406 |
G200+HKspec |
0.75h/0.7h |
luci1.20190127.063-68, luci2.2019017.0040-46 |
completed |
Marziani |
J093402 |
G200+HKspec |
0.6h/0.6h |
luci1.20190127.073-079, luci2.2019017.051-057 |
completed |
Telluric |
HIP44027 |
G200+HKspec |
luci1.20190127.083-86, luci2.2019017.0061-64 |
telluric for Marziani |
Telluric |
HIP56147 |
G200+HKspec |
luci1.20190127.090-93, luci2.2019017.068-71 |
telluric for Saracco |
Saracco |
C1-23152 |
G200+HKspec |
4h/12h |
luci1.20190127.098-121, luci2.2019017.076-99 |
Gilli |
Target M |
G200+HKspec |
4h/4h |
luci1.20190127.126-161, luci2.20190127.104-139 |
completed |
Pinna |
PX Vir |
AO |
completed ?? |
Calibration |
flat, arc |
LUCI1-2 |
G200 HKspec |
calibration for Gilli |
00:00 starting dark for Nardini program, target q6, q8 and telluric
dark for q8
dark for q6
1:31 AO checking, conditions are not optimal for AO observations, seeing unstable and high
1:41 slewing to Cassara' vipD1
- at 1:44 dimm seeing 2.2
- 1:45 we wait 5 minutes to see the trend of the seeing
- 1:55 alignment of the N3.75 on LUCI2
- 1:57 seeing very variable between 1.5 and 3, conditions are not good for this target we move to backup targets
2:01 we slew to telluric of Antoniucci Iras 02, HD18326
- 2:02 preset aborted, primary right mirror panic
- 2:11 dimm seeing 1.5, very variable between 1.2 and 2
- 2:15 problem solved slewing to telluric
- acq
luci1.20190127.029-31, luci2.2019017.0006-0008
- sci
luci1.20190127.032-39, luci2.2019017.0007-0016
- 2:29 dimm seeing 2.5, variable between 1.5 and 3
2:31 slewing to Target of Antoniucci Iras 02
- acq
luci1.20190127.040-43, luci2.2019017.0017-20
- sci
luci1.20190127.044-51, luci2.2019017.0021-28
- 2:43 dimm 1.5
2:53 slewing to telluric of Marziani HIP44027
- 2:55 two different guide stars, the to check the pointing
- 3:04 problem in changing the filter manualy, messare Instrument manager busy
- 3:05 sending again the script, problem with the left side, is not sending any preset
- 3:07 mos error on LUCI2
- 3:25 problem solved, sending again the obs
- acq
luci1.20190127.052-54, luci2.2019017.0029-31
- 3:33 dimm seeing 1.4
- sci
luci1.20190127.055-58, luci2.2019017.0032-35
3:39 slewing to Marziani J085406
- acq
luci1.20190127.059-62, luci2.2019017.0036-39
- 3:42 dimm seeing 1, seeing is improving
- sci
luci1.20190127.063-68, luci2.2019017.0040-46
, from 3:45 to 3:57 problem with camera in LUCI1
- 3:58 dimm seeing 2.3,again variable now
- 4:14 dimm seeing 1.3
4:31 slewing to Marziani J093402
- note same telluric of J085406 so we skip for the moment, we plan to do later another exposure
- acq
luci1.20190127.069-72, luci2.2019017.0047-50
- 4:34 fwhm on guider 1.5"
- 4:42 dimm seeing 1.1
- sci
luci1.20190127.073-079, luci2.2019017.051-057
- 5:08 dimm seeing 0.9
5:10 slewing again to telluric of Marziani HIP44027
- acq
luci1.20190127.080-82, luci2.2019017.058-60
- 5:24 dimm seeing 0.8
- sci
luci1.20190127.083-86, luci2.2019017.0061-64
5:28 slew to telluric of Saracco HIP56147
- acq
luci1.20190127.087-89, luci2.2019017.065-67
- 5:32 dimm seeing 0.9
- sci
luci1.20190127.090-93, luci2.2019017.068-71
5:41 slewing to science of Saracco
- acq
luci1.20190127.094-097, luci2.2019017.072-75
- 5:48 dimm seeing 0.8
- sci
luci1.20190127.098-121, luci2.2019017.076-99
- 6:26 dimm seeing jumping to 1.4
- 6:32 dimm seeing back to 0.7
- 6:57 dimm seeing jump to 1.3 for a couple of minutes, than back to 0.8
8:17 slewing to target M of Gilli
- check pointing 8:20
- acq
luci1.20190127.122-125, luci2.20190127.100-103
- 8:33 dimm seeing 1
- sci
luci1.20190127.126-161, luci2.20190127.104-139
- 9:02 dimm seeing 0.7
- 10:14 some thin cirrus coming in but the guide star is still ok
- 10:18 guide star 0.3 mag fainter compared to the beginning now
- 10:19 dimm seeing 0.7
- 10:23 now guide star only 0.1 mag fainter
- 10:33 guide star back to normal
11:04 slew to telluric of Gilli
- acq
luci1.20190127.162-164, luci2.20190127.140-142
- 11:13 dimm seeing 0.8
- sci
luci1.20190127.165-168, luci2.20190127.143-146
11:20 slewing to Pinna LUCI AO target PX Vir
- sub-window 128x128 with DIT 0.17
- 11:25 no guide star found checking pointing
- 11:26 sending again the script
- 11:26 dimm seeing 0.7
- 11:29 alligning the N30 field, huge misalignment, Olga is taking care of it
- 11:38 alignment done, now clouds are becoming thicker
- 11:40 guide star not found, clouds, changing the guide star with one brighter
- 11:44 guide star found
- 11:50 starting integration
- 12:00 problem in setting the correct filter
- 12:32 problem solved starting the obs
- 12:45 guide star is back to normal flux
- 13:28 dimm seeing 0.6
- in 215 and 2016 imgages appear another source or a simple ghost?
- 13:42 H2 take almost in sun rise
14:37 starting Gilli calibration
, luci2.20190127.179-194== flat and arc