INAF queue observing, 2019 January 25-26
Observer: F. Cusano, A. Giunta
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
At the sun set the sky is partialy cloudy. Clouds become persistent a 4:00. At 5:20 clouds are moving out
Night duration (12 degree el twilight) 2:00- 13:10 UT =
11 h 10m
Observing time:
9h 30min (85%)
Weather time loss:
0h 30m (4.5%)
technical time loss
1h 10m *(10.5%)
Data Summary
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
Calibration |
Dark |
Cassara' |
Cassara |
G200 zjSpec |
1h/2h |
luci1.20190126.0065-0082 |
LUCI2 data not good, clouds for 30 minutes during exposure |
telluric Cassara |
HIP13917 |
G200 zjSpec |
1m/1m |
luci1.20190126.0086-89; luci2.20190126.0048-54 |
VIPA1 telluric |
telluric Antoniucci |
G200 zjSpec |
m/m |
luci1.20190126.0114-121; luci2.20190126.0078-85 |
2massJ06 telluric |
Antoniucci |
2massJ06 |
G200 zjSpec |
m/m |
luci1.20190126.0103-110; luci2.20190126.0067-74 |
telluric Nardini |
G150Ks |
m/m |
luci1.20190126.0125-128 |
q6 telluric |
Nardini |
q6 |
G150 Ks |
0.75h/0.67h |
luci1.20190126.0133-155 |
completed |
telluric Saracco |
G200 HKspec |
m/m |
luci1.20190126.0159-162; luci2.20190126.0089-92 |
HIP 56147 telluric |
Saracco |
C1-23152 |
G200 HKSpec |
3.2h/12h |
luci1.20190126.0167-186; luci2.20190126.0097-116 |
last 2 images taken with variable seeing |
telluric Nardini |
HIP59685 |
G150Ks |
m/m |
luci1.20190126.0190-193 |
q8 telluric |
Nardini |
q8 |
G150 Ks |
0.8h/0.72h |
luci1.20190126.0198-220 |
completed |
telluric Nardini |
HIP63193 |
G150Ks |
m/m |
luci1.20190126.0232-242 |
q7 telluric |
Nardini |
q7 |
G150 Ks |
0.3h/1h |
luci1.20190126.0232-242 |
Calibration |
flat and arcs |
luci1.20190126.0243-258 |
Nardini |
Calibration |
flat and arcs |
Antoniucci, Cassara' |
Calibration |
flat and arcs |
Saracco |
00:10 starting LUCI dark for Cassara science and telluric
luci1.20190126.0001-10; luci2.20190126.0001-10
00:38 LUCI dark dit=150, ndit=1, save=normal, read=mer
luci1.20190126.0011-20; luci2.20190126.0011-20
01:36 switching to LUCI binocular after technical checking of MODS after reinstallaion
01:38 LUCI2 MOS error while trying to acquire a test image for the N3.75 alignment
2:19 problem solved
2:20 the to is checking collimation and pointing
2:30 we slew to Cassara vipA1
- dimm seeing 0.9
- some clouds
- acq ==luci1.20190126.0021-64; luci2.20190126.0021-25
- 2:32 problem on LUCI1 can not find guide star
- 2:35 slewing again to science
- star number 33 exluced from the ref star
- giving small offset by hand, lost 5 minutes because we did not notice that the readout gui was saving in normal mode
- science
luci1.20190126.0065-82; luci2.20190126.0025-42
- 3:10 dimm seeing 1"
- 3:25 pause to give a manual offset to luci2 we do not see spectra, from luci2.20190130 spectra should be good, not sure maybe luci2 data are not good
- 3:30 clouds coming in, guide star fainting by more than 0.5 mag, at 3:33 guide star dimming 2 mag, at 3:44 still clouds
- 3:52 now guide star is fine
- 4:02 guide star almost lost, after 3 minutes back to normal, clouds passing fast, clouds again at 4:06
4:15 slewing to telluric HIP13917 of cassara vipA1
- acq
luci1.20190126.0083-85; luci2.20190126.0043-47
- error luci1 no guide star found 4:19, problem solved after one minute
- 4:23 still clouds
- sci
luci1.20190126.0086-89; luci2.20190126.0048-54
4:43 60% of thee sky is covered by clouds
4:44 slewing to telluric of Nisini, no guide star found, the to is checking the pointing, problem solved at 4:47
- sending again obs for telluric
- 4:49 lost guide star for clouds, 4:56 still waiting clous are too thick
- 5:05 guide star found, starting acquisition
- 5:07 MOS error on LUCI2
- 5:17 starting again the acquisition
luci1.20190126.0092-94; luci2.20190126.0056-58
- starting integration H filter
luci1.20190126.0095-; luci2.20190126.0059-
5:30 slewing to science field 2 of Nisini filter H
*. luci2 did not find the guide star
- we change guide star with one brighter
- 5:33 sending again the script, too many clouds
5:53 moving to Antoniucci 2massJ06
- change guide star to a 10th mag, clouds, dimm seeing 1.3
- acq
luci1.20190126.0099-102; luci2.20190126.0063-66
- sci
luci1.20190126.0103-110; luci2.20190126.0067-74
6:12 moving to telluric of Antoniucci 2massJ06
- acq
luci1.20190126.0111-113; luci2.20190126.0075-77
- sci
luci1.20190126.0114-121; luci2.20190126.0078-85
- 6:28 still clouds
6:49 slewing to telluric of Nardini q6 (LUCI1 only for the G150 grating)
- acq
- 6:51 sky is almost clear, the clouds are moving out
- 6:56 dimm seeing 1.4
- sci
7:02 slewing to science of Nardini target q6
- acq
- sci
we take two exposure more to compensate the exposure with clouds
- 7:03 seeing 1.2" on guider
- 7:21 seeing 1.2, some clouds coming in
- 7:35 no more clouds, seeing 1.2
- 7:46 seeing 1
8:15 slewing to telluric of Saracco ls
- acq
luci1.20190126.0156-158; luci2.20190126.0086-88
- dimm seeing 0.8 at 8:28, no clouds
- lost 10 minutes for guide star too elongated
- 8:34 sci
luci1.20190126.0159-162; luci2.20190126.0089-92
8:42 slewing to science of Saracco target C1-23152
- acq
luci1.20190126.0163-166; luci2.20190126.0093-96
- dimm seeing 1" at 8:52
- 8:55 sci
luci1.20190126.0167-184; luci2.20190126.0097-114
- dimm seeing 0.9 at 9:21, no clouds
- pause at 10:39 due to the sudden increase of dimm seeing 2.0
- start again with the integration at 10:50 with dimm seeing variable 1.0-1,7
- 10:50 sci
luci1.20190126.0185-186; luci2.20190126.0115-116
- stop integration due to the variable dimm seeing
11:05 slewing to telluric of Nardini q8 HIP 59685
- 11:06 problem on LUCI1 can not find guide star (loss time 2 minutes)
- acq
- dimm seeing 1.3" on guider at 11:13
- sci
- dimm seeing 1.6" on guider at 11:18, no clouds
11:20 slewing to Nardini target q8
- acq
- sci
- dimm seeing 1.3" at 11:35
*12:slewing to telluric of Nardini q7 HIP 63193
- acq
- sci
12:56 slewing to science of Nardini q7
- acq
- 13:02 sci
- dimm seeing 1.4" at 13:02, no clouds
- dimm seeing 1.5" at 13:17, no clouds
13:32 starting calibration of Nardini
- flat and arc
14:11 Saracco calibration
- luci1259-263 luci2112-116 not good with slit 1" inside
Antoniucci calibration
- flat and arc HK luci1.20190126.0287-300
- flat and arc zj luci1.20190126.0301-314
- flat and arc zj luci1.20190126.0315-328 luci2.20190126.0168-181