INAF queue observing, 2018 December 14-15
Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi <br />
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson <br />
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg <br />
Instrument: LBC
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 1:15-13:15 UT =
12h 00m
Observing time:
8h 00min (63%)
Weather time loss:
4h 0m (33%)
technical time loss
0h 3
0m (4%)
Data Summary
At the sunset the sky is completely covered.
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
arcflats |
MODS1,2 |
mask 31 dual grating |
Gilli mask 31 |
telluric Nisini field 4 |
HIP16652 |
luci1,2 MOS |
G210 HiRes H J K (lambda 2.2) K (2.22) |
luci1.0017-0032, luci2.0020-0035 |
Nisini |
Field 4 |
luci1, 2 MOS |
G210 HiRes H J K |
2h/3h |
luci1.0040-0055, luci2.0042-0057 |
we take more images due to clouds, completed |
telluric field2 |
HIP17971 |
Luci1,2 MOS |
G210 HiRes H J K (lambda 2.2) K (2.22) |
luci1.0059-0074, luci2-0061-0076 |
Nisini |
Field 2 |
luci1, 2 MOS |
G210 HiRes K, J |
1h/3h |
luci1.0081-0097, luci2.0085-0100 |
passing cirrus, to be checked |
telluric Marziani |
HIP52192 |
luci1, 2 |
useless |
telluric |
Nardini q6 |
luci1, 2 |
luci1.0102-0107 |
passing cirrus |
Nardini |
q6 |
luci1 |
150 K |
0.25/0.67 |
luci1.0113-0116 |
passing cirrus check please |
Nisini field 4, 2, 3 arcflats |
00:00 UT Overcast,we stay close
- Gilli mask31 dualgrating arcflats
; mods2r.20181215.0002-0010,mods2b.20181215.0002-0010
03:14 the sky is a little bit clearer, we open.
03:31 send the script for the telluric HIP16652, Nisini field4
- acq
luci1.2011215.0001-0002, luci1.20181215.0004-0005
- the exposure time is too low for this sky covered. we don't see the telluric in the image. We take another image a time exposure of 2.5(dit)x10(ndit)
- acq
luci1.0003-0005, luci2,0006-0008
- 03:48 error copoiniting limit, right side.
- 03:50 we sand again the offset calculated during the alignment
- sci ==luci.0006-0013, luci2.0008-0016
- there is something wrong int he script, we have no spectra in the rightest slit.
*04:17 send again the acquisition
- abort and check pointing
- 04:20 send again the script
luci1.0014-0016, luci2.0017-0019
- during the acquisition luci2 didn't take the image of the star, we take it manually.
- sci
luci1.0017-0032, luci2.0020-0035
05:10 Slew to Nisini Field 4
- seeing 1" on guider but 2 mag of extinction, estimated from the guiding star
- wait for target to transit at culmination, otherwise is >88 degrees
- 05:20 send again script
- acq
luci1.0033-0039, luci2.0036-0041
- 05:23 problems with guinding try again
- 05:37 we cannot acquire there are problems: sky iamge is missing and MOS allignement gives errors.
- 05:38 send script again
- seeing 1 hole in the sky almost clear at 5:45UT
- 05:54 start sci
luci1.0040-0044, luci2.0042-0045
K filter==
- some cirrus but dimm seeing 1.0"
luc1.0045-0049, luci2.0046-0050
J filter (we take one more image in both side because for clouds passed during that integration)
luci1.0050-0055, luci2.0051-0057
07:05 slew to telluric HIP17971 for the field 2
- acq
luci1.0056-0058, luci2.0058-0060
- sci
luci1.0059-0074, luci2-0061-0076
- 07:20 error grating, we follow the instructions in the troubleshooting page
- 07:we go ahead with script even if the centrale wavelenght in luci2 is not stable. NOw it works.
- clouds are coming, 3 mag of extintion
08:00 slew to Nisini field2 seeing 1.1-1.4, passing cirrus
- acq
luci1.0075-0080, luci2.0077-0084
- the maskhas severasl probelms: 1) one allignement slit 33 is not in the right position. Must have been edited manually; 2) we had to add -0.2(luci1) and -0.5(luci2)degrees to center the mask and several offsets. (negative rotation means moving stars counterclockwise)
- 08:35 sent sci
luci1.0081-0097, luci2.0085-0100
- seeing 1.2 on guider 08:36, passing cirrus
- lost guiding at08:50 we pause
- 08:56 we continue
- We did only K and J bands
10:03 We slew to telluric HIP52192.xml for Marziani
- check pointing
- 10:13 mask in fpu
- problem moving mask
- seeing , passing dense cirrus
10:40 Nardini q6 get visible. Move to telluric HIP 53606
- 10:45 we cannot guide , too cloudy, we wait.
- acq
- sci
passing cirrus, difficult to guide , seeing ~1
- we took 2 images more because of the low signal, but the trace is obvious.
11:09 Slew to Nardini q6
- acq
- seeing 0.8
- sci
guide lost, too cloudy , not good
- 11:25 we wait
- 12:00 guide is back we try again
- sci
wesee the trace, 117-118 are not good
12:15 overcast, thick clouds, TO closes the dome and take calibrations.
- Nisini field2 K, 2.2
luci1.00120-0135, luci2.0101-0116
- Nisini field2 K, 2.22
luci1.0136-0151, luci2.0117-0132
- Nisini field3 K, 2.22
luci1.0152-167, luci2.0133-0148
- Nisini field4 H
luci1.0168-182, luci2.0149-0162
- Nisini field4 J
luci1.0183-195, luci2.0163-0176
- Nisini field4 K2.20
luci1.0196-0211, luci2.0177-0192
- Nisini field4 K2.22
luci1.0212-02, luci2.0193-01