INAF queue observing, 2018 December 13-14
Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi <br />
Telescope Operator: S. Allanson <br />
Support Astronomer: B. Rothberg <br />
Instrument: LBC
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 1:15-13:15 UT =
12h 00m
Observing time:
11h 40min (97%)
Weather time loss:
0h m (0%)
technical time loss
0h 20m (3%)
Data Summary
At the sunset the sky is clear.
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
Nisini telluric |
Field 3 |
LUCI1,2 |
K |
luci1.20181214.0069-0072==; luci2.20181214.0016-0019; luci1.20181214.0073-0076 ; luci2.20181214.0020-0023 |
lambda=2.22 micron and lambda=2.20 micron respectively |
Moretti A6 |
PSO315 |
MODS 1,2 |
red grating |
20m/60m |
mods1r.20181214.0006 ; mods2r.20181214.0006 |
Mancini |
HATP 48 |
MODS 1,2 |
dual grating |
6h/5.7h |
mods1r.0010-0141,mods1b.0002-0118 ; mods2r.0010-0238,mods2b.0002-0138 |
completed |
Gilli |
mask 44 |
MODS1,2 |
dual grating |
(4+x)h/4h |
mods1r.0145-0154,mods1b0.0119-0125 ; mods2r.0242-0251,mods2b.0139-0145 |
completed, images mods1r.0147, mods1b.0121, mods1r.0244, mods2b.0142 are not completed |
Gilli |
mask 31 |
MODS1,2 |
dual grating |
1.33h/4h |
mods1r.0158-0159, mods1b-0126-0127 ; mods2r.0255-0256, mods2b.0146-0147 |
Feige 34 |
MODS1,2 |
dual grating |
Gilli |
MODS1,2 |
2x2 bin |
Mancini |
*during the sunset the TO needs to run AO checkout
01:06 UT Slew to Telluric for Nisini field 3
- acquisition
; luci2.20181214.0008-0015
- during the acquisition we did the mask alignment and the connection lost also.
- seeing 1.2 on guider
- sci
; luci2.20181214.0016-0019
lambda=2.22 micron
- sci
; luci2.20181214.0020-0023
lambda=2.20 micron
- 01:54 seeing on the dimm 1.5"- 1.6"
01:59 the seeing is to variable to do AO, we switch to MODS
02:23 DIMM seeing 1.2"; we start with a target A6 of Moretti's program
- acq
; mods2r.20181214.0002-0005
- sci
; mods2r.20181214.0006
- 02:29 DIMM seeing 1.1"-1.2"
- 02:45 DIMM seeing 1.0"-1.1"
03:02 slew to the target HATP48, Mancinni's program
- acq
; mods2r.20181214.0007-0009
- 03:16 start the science
; mods2r.0010-0238,mods2b.0002-0138
- 03:27 dimm seeing 1.0"-1.1"
- MODS1b eposure hags upon completions between 6:15 ut and 6:58 ut (bewteen images mods1b.20181214.0069.fits and mods1b.20181214.0070.fits )
- dimm 0.9"
- during the integration the the dimm seeing has been very good 0.8"-0.9"
- 09:05 stop the integration
09:05 slew to Gilli's program, mask 44
- acq
; mods2r.0239-0241
dimm seeing 0.8"
- sci
; mods2r.0242-0245,mods2b.0139-0142
- 09:25 dimm seeing 0.7"
- 09:56 lost the connection, dimm seeing about 0.7"
- 09:58 connection is back
- in MODS1b there isn't the spectrum of the slit above the alignment holes.the problem is that when you put slits outside the region normally used, you get problems like this. In mods2b we there is the spectrum because MODS 1 and MODS2 are not exactly the same. there is a tilt when spectra are dispersed onto the detector and the tilit is slightly different between blue and red.
- 10:17 lost the guide in MODS1, we stop the integration, we save the image mods1r.0147 and mods1b.0121 after about 500 sec from the beginnin of the integration.
- 10:19 we have to acquire again in mods1, but there are problems in the preset
- 10:20 now the preset works
- acq
- 10:30 again problem wiht tha copointing limit (during modsAlign)
- we try again the modsAlign
- acq
- 10:35 start again the integration, sci
- 10:45 mods2 doesn't guide, we stop the integration and save the images
mods1r.0244, mods2b.0142
- 10:47 acquisition again wiht mods2
- acq
- 11:00 science again
- 11:04 dimm seeing 0.7"-0.8"
- 11:46 dimm seeing 0.8"
12:09 we slew to the maks 31 (Gilli)
- acq
, mods2r.0252-0254
- 21:23 sci
mods1r.0158-0159, mods1b-0126-0127
; mods2r.0255-0256, mods2b.0146-0147
- dimm seeing 0.9"
13:11 slew to std Feige 34 dual, redgrating and red prism (for Gilli and Moretti and De Carli)
- acq
, mods2r.0257-0260
- 13:18 send preset again
- 13:27 send sci
- dualgrating
mods1r.0163-0165, mods1b-0128-0130
; mods2r.0261-0263, mods2b.0148-0150
- redgrating
, mods2r.0264-0266
no good sky too bright