INAF queue observing, 2018 December 09-10
Observer: R. Carini, A. Rossi
Telescope Operator: J. Williams
Support Astronomer: D. Thompson
Instrument: LBC
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 1:15-13:15 UT =
12h 00m
Observing time:
h min (88%) 1.5 hor loss because we could not guide with LBC on Annibali R19,
According to Olga email 2019/01/10 was a telescope problem.
Weather time loss:
0h m (0%)
technical time loss
1h 30m (12%)
Data Summary
At the sunset the sky is mostly clear, some cirrus on the horizone
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
Cusano |
NW1,2,3 |
B (blue), V (red) |
1.98/3.15 |
pass some cirrus during the first hour. Done 22...27, but NW3_27 NOT OK: lost guiding |
Fabrizio |
photcal |
Ug (blue),ri (red) |
0.08/0.08 h |
completed |
Fabrizio |
TriII _bright |
Ug (blue),ri (red) |
0.06*2/0.06*2 h |
completed |
Fabrizio |
TriII |
U (blue),r (red) |
0.42*2/0.42*2 h |
completed |
DeCarli |
SDSSJ0842+1218 |
z (red) |
0.7/2h |
also got 0.7h in blure r band. Check last 17 images on red, from 08:45 maybe too bad, |
Annibali |
R19 |
g (blue), r (red) |
maybe, the guiding star is not good, maybe , please try again |
Annibali |
R20 |
g (blue), r (red) |
1h/1h |
completed |
00:45 flat fields: the first 5 images are good: U (blue channel), V (red channel)
01:15 start with Cusano program, NW1 field
01:30 run NW-1_22.ob, seeing about 1.1"-1.2"
- seeing about 1.3"on the image
- 01:41 NW-2_22.ob
- seeing about 1.0"on the image
- 01:50 dofpia
- 1:56 NW-3_22.ob
- 2:02 seeing about 1.2" on the DIMM
- seeig 0.9"on the image
- 02:07 NW-1_23.ob
- seeing about 0.75" on the image
- 02:16 NW-2_23.ob
- seeing about 0.9"on the image
- 02:26 NW-3_23.ob
- 02:35 dofpia
- 02:40 copointing NW1
- 02:45 NW-1_24.ob
- seeing about 0.85"
- 02:54 NW-2_24.ob
- seeing about 0.85"
- 03:03 NW-3_24.ob
- 03:13 dofpia
- 03:17 NW-1_25.ob
- seeing about 1.1"on the image
- 03:26 connection lost and reactivated
- 03:29 NW-2_25.ob
- seeing 1.2"
- 03:39 NW-3_25.ob
- seeing about 1.0"-1.1 on the dimm
- 03:47 dofpia
- 03:53 NW-1_26.ob
- 04:02 NW-2_26.ob
- seeing 1.1" on the image
- 04:11 NW-3_26.ob
- 04:20 dofpia
- 04:24 NW-1_27.ob
- seeing 1.0"-1.2" on image
- 04:33 NW-2_27.ob
- seeing 1.0"-1.1"
- 04:42 NW-3_27.ob
- do again copointing and NW-3_27 because guide star lost
- 04:57 NW-3_27 again
- seeing 1.0" on dimm
- 05:05 lost connection and got again
- NW-3_27 not good guiding problem!
05:08 slew to photometric standard for Fabrizio's program
- dofpia
- 05:17 start photcal OB
- not good the OB has probelms onlu U and r filters
05:40 lost connection
05:45 slew to
TriII bright
05:50 TriII bright, U,r
- seeing about 0.75"
- 6:00 TriII bright g,i
06:10 lost connection
06:18 TriII
- dofpia
- 06:22 start OB TriII
- seeing 1.0" on image
- seeing 1.1" on image at 06:40 UT
06:56 slew to phot_cal to do g and i bands
07:05 slew to De Carli
- dofpia
- copointing
- 07:16 start science
- exposure 5-6 on red stars elongated. Seeing is too good
- dimm seeing 0.5-0.6"
- 07:50 connection lost again
- seeing 0.6" on dimm
- 08:10 dofpia
- 08:24 send script again
- seeing 0.6" on dimm
- seeing 0.8" on image at 08:47
- 09:14 stars are elongated on red, we do again the dofpia
- we notice that the last half hour last 17 images on red, from 08:45, are too bad, not collimated, probably not good
- 09:20 copointing
- 09:25 run the ob again but the stars are elongated yet, we ask to the OT to clear the active optics.
09:31 slew to Annibali's program, target R19
- dohybrid
- copointing at 09:46
- lost connection at 09:50
- send OB 1 at 09:52
- guiding problem maybe
- dofpia again at 10:00 UT, in the blue channel it doesn't find pupils. We stop the procedure with control S, but is stuck
- 10:12 dofpia, /backout. dofpia again but it is not good
- we try the dofpia with a new copointing file.
- 10:26 start science OB 1
- 10:27 connection lost
- seeing 0.7" on image at 10:28
- 10:42 we stop again, there are problems with the guide stars, in the blue channel the stars are elongated.
- dofpia, /X2 but it doesn't work
- we run the dofpia in the copointing field. dofpia, /X2
- 10:53 run again the science script
- 10:58 the stars are elongated.
11:03 to undertand if the problem is due to the field or LBC we change target, slew to R20
- 11:05 dofpia, /X2
- 11:10 copointing
- 11:15 run UGC5666_1.ob
- the guide stars are elongated in the LBC panel
- the first is good, the second one has stars a little bit elongated close to the borders, but OK
- seeing about 0.7"on dimm
- 11:42 dofpia
- 11:46 run UGC5666_2.ob
- seeing about 0.8"on image at 12:05
- the second-last (penultima) images of red and last 2 of blue are elongated
- dofpia at 12:14
- 12:18 run UGC5666_3.ob
- dimm seeing 0.7"
- 12:25 seeing 0.8" on image
- 12:35 seeing 0.8" on image
- dofpia
- 12:53 take calibration field
- 12:56 take again 2 images of OB2 to revover bad guiding images
13:10 Slew to phot standard for Annibali and De Carli SA 101 gr_rz
- primo set r+z t conteggi troppo bassi
- r + z PA=0 tutte buone, 180 prese prime 2 buone
- g+i PA=180 ok maybeonly 2 i are ok
- B+r PA=180 e 2 PA=0
- U+V PA=180 saturated
BIAS 25 bino bias