INAF queue observing, 2018 November 11-12
Observer: R. Carini, M. Faccini
Telescope Operator: D. Gonzal-Huerta
Support Astronomer: O. Kuhn
Instrument: LUCI1 (LS mode), LUCI2
Night duration (12\xB0 el twilight) 1:15-12:45 UT =
11h 30m
Observing time:
10h 45min (93%)
Weather time loss:
h 45m (7%)
technical time loss
0h m (%)
Data Summary
At the sunset the sky is mostly clear, wind with gusts around 20 m/s, humidity about 20.5%
Project_RUN |
Objects |
Instrument |
Configuration |
ExpTime /Time_tot |
Images |
Notes |
Calibration |
Cresci a1, Saracco |
Luci1==2, luci2 |
Mancini |
Hat-P-47 |
Mods1 + MOds2 |
dual grating, blue grating |
4.8/5.3 |
mods1r.0004-0220, mods1b.0001-0143 mods2b.0004-0179 |
completed, some images are not recovered during the transit. |
Moretti |
A6 |
Mods1 |
red grating |
mods1r.0025 |
no good, acquisition wrong |
Nisini telluric |
HIP16652 |
luci2 mos |
G210 HiRes, K,J,H |
luci2.0032-0043 |
Nisini |
field 4 |
luci2 mos |
G210 HiRes, K,J,H |
1.18/3h |
luci2.0048-0068== |
K, J done, H to be completed, some images have airmass aout of spec |
Antoniucci |
V900Mon |
luci2 ls |
HKspec |
8m (120 s each ima) |
luci2.0074-0077 |
filter completed |
tell Antoniucci |
HIP33836 |
luci2 ls |
HKspec |
luci2.0081-0082 |
Calibration mods |
Mancini |
Calibration luci |
Nisini field4 |
- flat+arc Cresci A1
- Saracco, flatarc luci2
01:06 TO opens the dome. the deley is due to burst of wind.
01:17 collimation on the target.
1:40 TO closes the dome, gusts of wind up to 22 m/s
02:02 we open again
- 02:20 problem with the collimation
02:29 start the acquisition of the target of Mancini Hat-P-47
- acq
*02:45 sci
mods1r.0004-0220, mods1b.0001-0143
- seeing about 1.5"
- seeing variable.
- 03:38 seeing up to 2.0"
- fitsflush red (mods1), fistflus blue (mods2). Some images are not recovered.
- seeing more than 2.0"
- 04:46 seeing 1.2"-1.8"
- 04:53 seeinf0.9"-1.7"
- 4:59* restart the script with mods1-red
- seeing 1.5'-20''
- 5:28* restart the script with mods2-blue
- seeing 1,5" - 2,0"
- 06:06* restart the sript with mods1-blue
- seeing 1.1" - 1.8"
- 06:21 elevation 87:19 over the limits for the guiding of the telescope. Now we are in tracking mode and it is possible to loose the target.
- 06:28 we transit the meridian it seems we haven' lost data till now
- 06:35 restart guiding. Apparently no data lost
- 07:08 MODS1 BLue CCCD temperature of -11 C exceede -90C -detector warming up!
- 07:09 MODS1 Blue CCD temperature is back normale range
- 07:10 seeing 1 - 1,2"
- 07:10 restart MOds1 red grating
- 07:35 stop the integration
07:39 slew to Moretti program, target A6
- acq
- we abort and take an image to verify the the star is already in the slit
- sci
- seeing about 1.0"
- 08:00 seeing jump to 1.7" and decreases to 1.1"
- seeing very variable up to 1.8", but the mean seeing is 1.2"
08:30 problem with the observing procedure.
* We start again the acquisition, offset failed
- we start again the acquisition error during the preset, we send again the script
- 09:17 error again
- 09:18 try again the preset and it failed
- The problem dipend on the script AcQMOds that does not ignore "syncoffset" when only MODS1 or MODS2 was used, even if it should do it.
09:20 slew to De Carli program. we try the new procedure, but we are not sure that it is going to work.
- we try to acquire the field in the mos using just a slit, as in the case of the telluric with LUCI, but it failes.
- ERROR: Slit mask ID592104 is a multi-object mask!
- You must perform a MOS mask alignemtn using an mms. ModsAlign aborting
9:35 switch to LUCI
09:50 telluric nisini field 4
- acq
- sci
10:28 slew to scientific target, field4
- acq
- sci
0069 not good
- seeing about 1.3"
- 11:06 seeing 1.4"
- 11:21 seeing 1.5"
- 11:32 seeing 1.4"
- 11:34 seeing 1.8"
- 11:42 seeing 1.4"
- 12:02 seeing 1.2"
12:17 stop the integration, airmass 2.00, the images are good but not the last
* slew to Antoniucci target V900 mon
* 12;25 check pointing
12:27 send again the script
- acq
- sci HKSpec
12:45 telluric in HKspec
- acq ==luci2.0078-0080
- sci
calibration MODS
- bias Mancini
- cal wave mods1 and mods2
- mos flat
- slitless
- send again mos flat mods2
calibration LUCI
flat arc Nisini field 4 H
J ==luci2.0108-